
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

steve donziger

Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, Chevron Shareholders, Seek Ecuador Settlement To Get Rich

The “40 Chevron Shareholders” who are asking for a settlement in the Chevron – Ecuador case are doing so only out of greed; such a deal would make some of them rich, and certainly one of their key associates. Amazon Watch and the Rainforest Action Network have taken to blogs and press releases, calling for […]

Chevron Ecuador: Steven Donziger Dissected In The New Yorker

As the environmental case pitting Chevron against Ecaudor advances, there has been a lot written about it. But no article completely describes and dissects the role of lead Plaintiff’s Lawyer Steven Donziger like the one in the January 9th edition of The New Yorker. The work written by Patrick Radden Keefe explains not just the […]

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