SF Chronicle Unethical: Has Appearance Of Being On Take For Millions In Chevron Ecuador

The San Francisco Chronicle has the appearance of operating in a way that’s purely unethical. First, they work to eliminate the one person who blogged on Chevron’s side in the Chevron Ecuador case, but then allow several bloggers to create news against Chevron in the case and while there’s an obvious connection between one of them, Mitch Anderson (who blogs at City Brights almost exclusively about Chevron) of Amazon Watch, and attempts to get Chevron to settle and pay millions of dollars.

At least one person has already been connected with this, and that’s Kerry Kennedy, who reportedly stood to make as much as $40 million for her public relations efforts if Chevron pays out $18 billion. Since Anderson’s on record as having played a role in making sure New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli signed an investor protest statement against Chevron and for its shareholder board meeting in 2011, why can’t we assert that Anderson, too, is on a path to get rich from this.

And all of this with the help of The SF Chronicle.


I noticed that Steven Donziger, the main plaintiff’s lawyer against Chevron in the case, came out of the San Francisco Chronicle offices in this video at the 2:01 mark and in the photo that’s part of this blog post:

What was Donziger doing there? The corner he and his people are walking around takes them from Mission Street and Fifth to Fifth Street, where I guess they parked. That building they are walking by, and looks like they emerged from, is the San Francisco Chronicle building.

To me, it comes as no coincidence that the SF Chronicle website has worked to provide a home for paid activists against Chevron, and who work for or with Nr. Donziger, all the while working to make my experience blogging on the same site horrible, with allegations that my view is not genuine and on top of that allowing some to calling me names, at times of a racist form, in emails and comments, and then to even bully me to change my blog post to something that favors the anti-Chevron point of view.

This is awful. I’ve lost what little respect I had for the San Francisco Chronicle. Now, I have none.

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