
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham


President Donald Trump Address To A Joint Session Of Congress Full Transcript

This sent from the White House 21 minutes ago to Zennie62Media. PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP’S ADDRESS TO A JOINT SESSION OF CONGRESS Remarks as prepared for delivery TO THE CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, the First Lady of the United States, and Citizens of America: Tonight, as […]

Donald Trump Already Won GOP Debate

Donald Trump Already Won GOP Debate – Video Donald Trump has already won the GOP Debate Thursday night and that is because of, first, his giant poll lead, second, his appearance basically legitimizing his campaign, third, that he has ran before and finally that he has tapped into what I call the “Scared White Conservative” […]

Kevin Johnson : Lunch With The Mayor Of Sacramento

On behalf of Lorna and Wade Randlett, you are invited to a Friday June 26th lunch with Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson. Since taking office, Kevin Johnson has worked aggressively to reform education, including passing resolutions and supporting policies to empower parents to turn around failing schools and to ensure effective teachers are in every classroom. […]

State Of The Union Address 2015 Topped Twitter TV Ratings For 1-19, 1-25 2015

For all of the talk trying to give the impression that President Obama’s State Of The Union Address wasn’t widely watched, Nielsen’s SocialGuide gives a different picture. The State Of The Union Address 2015 topped all TV shows in all categories, including unique audience, impressions, unique authors, and tweets, even over The 63rd Annual Miss […]

Oakland News: Coliseum JPA Interviews McKibben; Mayor Schaaf’s Epic Speech

As you read this, the Oakland Alameda County Coliseum JPA will have (just) completed an interview with former Rose Bowl head Scott McKibben this morning – it started after 9 am according to sources. This is the re-start of the original executive director search process that went off the rails because Alameda County Supervisor Scott […]

President Obama’s State Of The Union Address Full Text

This is the full text of President Obama’s State Of The Union Address. Also, the White House is presenting it on its Medium blog for the first time, for all. Here’s the speech: Remarks of President Barack Obama – As Prepared for Delivery State of the Union Address The White House is making the full […]

President Obama’s State of the Union Address 2015: Excerpts

The White House sent Zennie62Media excerpts of the upcoming State of the Union Address 2015. Here they are: As Prepared for Delivery “We are fifteen years into this new century. Fifteen years that dawned with terror touching our shores; that unfolded with a new generation fighting two long and costly wars; that saw a vicious […]

“I Have A Dream” Martin Luther King Jr. Quote Is Powerful

“I have a dream” is the most powerful quote ever issued by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He said it to open the most remembered part of his March On Washington speech, and it is recited many times a day around the World as part of that speech. “I have a dream” is the ultimate […]

Tomiquia Moss Chief Of Staff Libby Schaaf Mayor Of Oakland – Video

Tomiquia Moss Chief Of Staff Libby Schaaf Mayor Of Oakland – Video Tomiquia Moss is the new Chief Of Staff for Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf. Ms Moss comes from SPUR in San Francisco where she was Community Planning Policy Director for two years. Prior to that Ms Moss was Community Justice Center Program Director for […]

KPIX Errors In Oakland Mayoral Race Poll Says Expert

KPIX Oakland Mayoral Poll Flawed Says Expert? Yes. KPIX CBS 5 San Francisco commissioned a poll that purports to look at how Oakland’s Ranked Choice Voting will turn out on Election Day. The poll says that Rebecca Kaplan (19%) Libby Schaaf (17%) Mayor Jean Quan (15%) Joe Tuman (15%) and Bryan Parker (10%) are the […]

U.S. Bombing Of ISIL In Syria: White House Conference Call Transcript

This White House Conference Call was held today, September 23rd 2014, at 12:12 PM, EDT. The full transcript is below:   THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary ________________________________________________________________ For Immediate Release September 23, 2014 BACKGROUND CONFERENCE CALL BY SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIALS ON AIRSTRIKES IN SYRIA Via Telephone 12:12 P.M. EDT MS. HAYDEN: Hi, […]

Rebecca Kaplan, Jean Quan, Joe Tuman Lead New Oakland Mayors Race Poll

UPDATE: The poll is not done according to Greg McConnell, but will be out this week, and now my source is not certain that it was the upcoming Job and Housing Poll, or another poll that’s being produced. McConnell says the poll surveyed fewer than the 1,200 I was told by my source, and did […]

Will Oakland Noose Investigation Yield A Suspect?

On Wednesday, the City of Oakland, and that part of the city itself that watches mainstream media, was rocked by news that someone put a hangman’s noose in a City of Oakland Public Works truck that was being used by two black employees at the time. According to reports, the news of the incident came […]

Oakland Mayor’s Race Final Candidate List Has 15

The Oakland Mayor’s Race final candidate list was paired down to 15 people by the Oakland City Clerk’s Office on Thursday, August 14th. They are: Jason Anderson, Ken Houston, Rebecca Kaplan, Saied Karamooz, Peter Liu, Pat McCullough, Bryan Parker, Jean Quan, Courtney Ruby, Libby Schaaf, Nancy Sidebotham, DanSiegel, Joe Tuman, Charles Williams, Eric Wilson Out […]

Oakland News: Ruby Quits Auditor, Dobbins Out Of School Board Race; D4 Numbers

In this Oakland News, Courtney Ruby let the deadline for filing to run for re-election as Oakland City Auditor pass (thinking few would notice), meaning Oaklanders will get a new auditor in 2015, so for all practical purposes, she’s quit. Chris Dobbins (who is the featured image) was the victim of a signature validation problem, […]

Jerry Brown, legislative leaders meet on California water bond – Sacramento Bee

Sacramento BeeAs California nears a new legislatively imposed deadline for putting a revised water bond on the November ballot, Gov. Jerry Brown met with legislative leaders and several prominent interest groups to push for a deal. On Monday, Brown and legislative …Water bond: Jerry Brown, legislative leaders float new, $7 billion planSan Jose Mercury NewsCalifornia’s […]

California Governor Jerry Brown’s Statement on Water Bond Developments Says … – Sierra Sun Times

California Governor Jerry Brown’s Statement on Water Bond Developments Says …Sierra Sun TimesAugust 11, 2014 – SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued the following statement after signing legislation to extend the deadline to place a new water bond on the November ballot and renumber the Rainy Day Fund ballot measure: …read more […]

California Governor Jerry Brown to decide on smartphone ‘kill switch’ – TweakTown

TweakTownCalifornia Governor Jerry Brown is now taking a look at the mandatory smartphone ‘kill switch’ bill after it was passed by the state legislature. If Brown approves the bill, all smartphone devices sold in the state following July 2015 must have some …First US smartphone kill-switch legislation awaits California governor signatureArs TechnicaCalifornia Governor to Decide […]

Water bond: Gov. Jerry Brown and Legislative leaders float new, $7 billion plan – Contra Costa Times

Contra Costa TimesWith a deadline looming to strike a deal on a state water bond, Gov. Jerry Brown and legislative leaders on Monday floated a roughly $7 billion proposal they insist will help California weather future droughts. The package — including provisions to …Brown, Democrats closing in on water bond dealSunHerald.com all 64 news articles […]

Water bond: Gov. Jerry Brown and Legislative leaders float new, $7 billion plan – San Jose Mercury News

San Jose Mercury NewsWith a deadline looming to strike a deal on a state water bond, Gov. Jerry Brown and legislative leaders on Monday floated a roughly $7 billion proposal they insist will help California weather future droughts. The package — including provisions to …Brown, Democrats closing in on water bond dealSunHerald.comBrown, Lawmakers Extend Water […]

First US smartphone kill-switch legislation awaits California governor signature – Ars Technica

Ars TechnicaA bill to require mandatory kill-switches on smartphones so that they can be disabled in the event of theft passed the California state senate today and could become law if Governor Jerry Brown signs it in the coming weeks. The bill would mandate (PDF …California Governor to Decide on Smartphone ‘Kill Switch’ BillWall Street […]

Brown, Democrats closing in on water bond deal – MiamiHerald.com

MiamiHerald.comSACRAMENTO, Calif. — Gov. Jerry Brown and Democratic legislative leaders said Monday they are closing in on a deal to overhaul a water bond on the November ballot, but their replacement plan still needs support from Republicans. Both houses of the …Citrus Mutual supports water bond proposalVisalia Times-DeltaKey deadline for water bond negotiations uncertainNews10.netWater bond […]

Jerry Brown Passes Buck on Troubled New Bay Bridge – Town Hall

Town HallAfter the 1994 Northridge quake, GOP Gov. Pete Wilson and Los Angeles politicians brokered a deal that got needed bridge repairs done in 66 days. Not so for the Bay Bridge. There was no sense of urgency among then-San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown or …Joyce Terhaar: Senate report on Caltrans speaks to culture of […]

President Obama Calls President Hollande, Chancellor Merkel Today

The White House reports that President Barack Obama placed calls and held conversations with both Chancellor Merkel of Germany (regarding the ongoing crisis in Ukraine), and President Hollande of France (on the Iraq problem), today. Here are the readouts of those conversations: Readout of the President’s Call with President Hollande of France The President spoke […]

Bruce Davis, Charles Manson associate parole denied by California Governor … – WPTV

WPTV(CNN) — California Gov. Jerry Brown has reversed a parole board decision and denied the release of Bruce Davis — a former associate of Charles Manson and a convicted murderer himself. “I find the evidence shows that he currently poses an unreasonable …Gov. Jerry Brown denies parole for Manson family memberLos Angeles TimesCharles Manson follower […]

Afton Burton, ‘Star’ considers herself Charles Manson’s wife – WPTV

WPTVAfter a few years of sending letters and talking to Manson on the phone, Star, at age 19, moved to Corcoran, a small central California city that’s home to Corcoran State Prison, where Charles Manson has lived for the past 25 years. She talks to Manson …Woman who helped Charles Manson murder breaks silenceBundaberg News […]

California governor denies parole to Manson follower – New Haven Register

California governor denies parole to Manson followerNew Haven RegisterFILE – This undated file photo provided by the California Department of Corrections shows Bruce Davis. California Gov. Jerry Brown on Friday Aug. 8, 2014, reversed a parole board and denied the release of Davis, a former Charles Manson follower who has … …read more Source: California […]

GOP Candidate Neel Kashkari Challenges Gov. Jerry Brown On Jobs – CBS Local

CBS LocalGLENDALE (CBSLA.com) — Trailing by nearly 20 points in the polls and even further behind in campaign cash, Republican candidate for governor Neel Kashkari believes he has found an issue that may lift his cause into a tight race with Gov. Jerry Brown …Homeless Guy Is Candidate For California Governor [Video]The InquisitrThe Buzz: Gov. […]

Gov. Jerry Brown denies parole for Manson family member – Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles TimesBruce Davis, left, and Steve Grogan, leave court in 1970 after a court hearing. Gov. Jerry Brown denied Davis’ parole Friday. It was the third time a California governor rejected the parole board’s recommendation to release Davis. Bruce Davis, left …Charles Manson follower Bruce Davis denied parole by Gov. Jerry BrownLos Angeles Daily […]

California Governor Jerry Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Purple Heart … – Sierra Sun Times

Sierra Sun TimesAugust 7, 2014 – SACRAMENTO – Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. today issued a proclamation declaring August 7, 2014 as California Purple Heart Veterans Day. The text of the proclamation is below: PROCLAMATION As a military decoration, the Purple …Governor Brown Issues Proclamation Declaring Purple Heart Veterans DayImperial Valley News all 111 news […]

Oakland News: Luka’s To Hold Oakland Mayor’s Race Candidates Days

Luka’s Taproom and Lounge To Hold Oakland Mayor’s Race Candidates Days! Following up on an idea he expressed to me a couple of months ago, Rick Mitchell, the owner and founder of Luka’s Taproom on the corner of Broadway and Grand Avenue (at the site of the old Hofbrau, and the last of its kind […]

Montclair Deputy Mayor Russo and California Governor Brown Exchange Water … – TheAlternativePress.com

TheAlternativePress.comLOS ANGELES, Calif. – Montclair Deputy Mayor Bob Russo met with California Governor Jerry Brown at the American Federation of Teachers Convention in Los Angeles July 11-14. Russo, who went to the convention as a New Jersey delegate, has known … …read more Source: California Gov Jerry Brown News From Google News Zennie AbrahamZennie Abraham […]

Republican California Dreaming: Candidate For Governor Neel Kashkari Charts … – TIME

TIMEIn June, Kashkari came in second in the California governor primary with 19% of the vote. That makes him the single man standing between Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown, who won 54%, and what is assumed to be Brown’s impending, unprecedented fourth …Jerry Brown wades into income inequalityThe San Luis Obispo TribuneNeel Kashkari’s week as a […]

Gov. Jerry Brown hits populist notes in speech to school workers union – Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles TimesJerry Brown boasted of California’s liberal accomplishments during his tenure in a Wednesday address to a school employees union. The speech was a spirited account of Brown’s third term, a sign that his so-far muted reelection campaign is becoming more …Jerry Brown presses case on $6 billion water bondThe San Luis Obispo TribuneGov. […]

Gov. Jerry Brown Wants a $6B Water Bond – Bond Buyer

Gov. Jerry Brown Wants a $6B Water BondBond BuyerGov. Jerry Brown Wants a $6B Water Bond. by Tonya Chin. AUG 6, 2014 2:11pm ET. California Governor Jerry Brown is pushing a scaled-down $6 billion water bond to go on the November ballot as other bond proposals in the state legislature remain stalled. and more …read […]

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