
News,Sports,Tech,Politics,Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham &Zennie62Media,Inc team

Zennie Abraham


Come to Tonight’s City Council Meeting – Make Oakland Better Now!

Oaklanders who follow City Hall know that four public safety proposals are coming before the City Council tonight at its 5:30 meeting,as Council decides whether to:Authorize a temporary contract with the Alameda Sheriff’s Department to borrow ten deputies and a sergeant for two days per week;Add twenty police service technicians and one […]

Whitney Houston Dies:Drowned In Bathtub?

Did Whitney Houston die from taking the wrong medication or an overdose while in the bathtub of her room at the Beverly Hills Hilton Hotel? That’s the picture TMZ.com informants are painting as of this writing. Video of initial news:Also,Whitney Houston’s body was transported out of the hotel after 11 PM PST,and […]

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