
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture News by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Occupy Wall St.

Twitter Is Down. Occupy Wall St.To Blame?

Twitter is down, and has been for about three hours by now. While there hasn’t been an official reason given for the issue, there are reports that the micro-blogging company agreed via court order to give up the deleted tweets of a member of Occupy Wall St. (Correction, they were messages sent via Twitter, not […]

Occupy Wall St. Fights / Arrests Live From New York City #WhileWeWatch

Live video from your iPhone using Ustream Streaming by Ustream Streaming Live by Ustream Streaming Live by Ustream Why is #whilewewatch Watching #OccupyWallSt Media? Tim Pool Arrests being made now Live from Wall St, NYC ! #whilewewatch Click here > www.timcast.tv As of 10:48pm EST 9 arrests have been made at the #OccupyWallSt protest in […]

Occupy Oakland Vandalism Sat After Peaceful Friday Reveling

People claiming to represent Occupy Oakland are back in trouble against today, and that’s no April Fool’s joke. According to the Oakland Tribune and ABC, on Saturday night damage was done to Starbucks, Patelco Credit Union, and Quiznos, and “paint vandalism” was done to Clorox and Wells Fargo buildings. And that was after this impromptu […]

Occupy Oakland Helps Katie Mitchell’s Loan Mod Problem With Union Bank

From this video it appears that Oakland resident Katie Mitchell has tried to obtain a loan modification on her mortgage with Union Bank for two years, without success. Mitchell was facing foreclosure on her home, then, on February 21, 2012, Occupy Oakland stepped in to help with this occupation of the Oakland Union Bank that […]

Rick Santorum Protestors Get Tasered In Washington

GOP Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum arrived in Tacoma, Washington to give a speech as part of his campaign run when he was “greeted” by protestors associated with the Occupy Movement. Santorum called the hundreds of people gathered to hear him “the real Washington,” even as he came out to talk against the Washington legislation to […]

Occupy Oakland Declares Love On Oakland, Or, A Day Of Public Sex

The General Assembly of Occupy Oakland has reportedly passed a resolution declaring Tuesday, January 14th as “Make Love, Not War” day. The resolution reads like this: In the interest of diversity of tactics, and the spirit of love that we feel for our community, we propose a direct action to take place on February 14th. […]

Occupy Oakland Arrestees Tortured In Jail; Oakland “Y” Hosts Protestor Escape

According to the Daily Kos, and other blogs, a number of the 400 people arrested during last Saturday’s Occupy Oakland protest were sent to Santa Rita Jail, and of those who were not able to make bail set, they’re reportedly being tortured. Yes, you did read that correctly. Here’s what was presented at Daily Kos’ […]

Occupy Oakland: Protestors And Police Gather For Viral Video Shoot

Frankly, this blogger’s not sure what the value of these Occupy Oakland protests are, except as yet another viral video opportunity for protestors armed with cameras, camcorders, and camcorder-equipped smartphones. No, I wasn’t in on the action. Why the hell would I want to stand near police, many of which represent the City Of Oakland […]

Occupy Oakland Grand Lake Benefit – Alan Michaan Interview

Alan Michaan, the famed owner of the Grand Lake Theater in Oakland, is always controversial and outspoken. Here, in this video, he talks about why he elected to establish the benefit for Occupy Oakland and his view on the Mayoral Recall Effort. Zennie AbrahamZennie Abraham | Zennie Abraham or “Zennie62” is the founder of Zennie62Media […]

#whilewewatch Occupy Wall St New York Movie Premier Livestream

Watch live streaming video from whilewewatch at livestream.com Kevin Breslin, the brilliant Director of the Oscar-considered Living For 32, and a friend of this blogger is hosting a livestream presentation of his new documentary movie #whilewewatch. It’s a fascinating look at how new media helped spread the message of the Occupy Movement and caused its […]

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Recall – Ken Pratt Rips Quan

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan is facing two things: a recall signature gathering process and the wrath of Oaklander Ken Pratt. This blogger literally ran into Mr. Pratt at last night’s benefit for Occupy Oakland, and he gave a video interview that can only be called searing. Pratt’s massively pissed off that Mayor Quan’s aide Sue […]

The Occupy Oakland Port Action: ILWU Union Games The Movement

The Occupy Oakland Movement certainly has its factions, so it’s hard to say ‘the movement as a whole thinks one way,’ but the bottom line is the current majority is taking actions that are driving people who were supporters away from it, and leaving it the pawns of those with their own political agendas. There’s […]

Citizen Media – The New Documentary #WhileWeWatch

As associate producer on the new documentary, #WhileWeWatch, from Director Kevin Breslin and 8com, I have had an opportunity to dive, in a face-to-the-pavement sort of way, into the new wave of citizen media. Livestreaming, blogs, free press, immediate video uploads to youtube minutes after it is filmed. Watching arrests that seem completely unwarranted from […]

Occupy Oakland Wrong On Port Of Oakland Protest

At first, the Occupy Movement, and it’s offshoots including Occupy Oakland, the best known of them other than Occupy Wall Street, started with a noble purpose, bringing attention to the many people who were being laid off from work, and kicked out of their homes by the “big banks” – the organizations that received bailout […]

Occupy Wall Street Global Revolution LiveStream

Watch live streaming video from globalrevolution at livestream.com This lives stream presents the latest information about the national protest efforts. But this blogger must make the observation that many of the protests impact the 99 percent, and not the one percent. This is, once again, liberal hurting liberal. Stay tuned. Zennie AbrahamZennie Abraham | Zennie […]

#WhileWeWatch Is The Gripping Portrait Of The #OccupyWallSt Media Revolution

#whilewewatch – Trailer from #whilewewatch on Vimeo. *MEDIA ALERT * International Unlimited Livestream of NEW #OccupyWallSt Documentary Q and A; Trailer and Chat with the cast of #WhileWeWatch from Director Kevin Breslin and 8com – WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2011 6:30PMEST PANEL INCLUDES JESSE LAGRECA, PRISCILLA GRIM, PETE DUTRO, BRENDAN BURKE & GLOBAL REVOLUTION TV and THE CAST […]

Oakland Busness Community Mixed On Mayor Quan, On Recall Fence

Is the Oakland Business Community really behind the planned recall effort of Mayor Jean Quan? As one blogger who’s lived in Oakland since 1974, it’s easy to gain the temperature around town because people either call or talk about the matter every day, including today. Let’s say this: the issue of the recall of Mayor […]

Occupy LA: Over 200 Arrested In Raid

The Occupy Movement got new steam as over 200 people were arrested last night after Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa did a head-fake, first saying on Monday that there was no timetable to clear the Occupy LA encampment, then on Tuesday proving that there was a timetable after all and ordering police to clear the […]

Scott Olsen Out Of Hospital: Interview At Occupy Oakland

Scott Olsen’s been through a lot. He started with OccupySF, but then became attracted to Occupy Oakland. The day he came back to Occupy Oakland was the day that changed his life. The Iraq War Veteran (2006 – 2008) and Occupy Oakland Protestor had his life almost put to an end when he was struck […]

Occupu LA – Some Arrests But Camp Still Standing

Watch live streaming video from owslosangeles at livestream.com The video above shows, as of this writing, a kind of press conference featuring Occupy LA participants. The expected eviction action didn’t exactly happen last night, because as of this writing, much of the encampment is still there. This video below shows the ‘Occupy LA Eviction Party’ […]

Occupy LA Eviction Live Stream From Los Angeles

Will Occupy LA be evicted after 12 midnight PDT? As this is written, a set of USTREAM Live video feeds have been installed at Zennie62.com to present the Occupy LA eviction. After 56 days, or almost two months, Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa figured the political winds were in his favor and elected to give […]

Rebecca Kaplan’s Occupy Oakland Speech Is Worth Hearing, Now

About three weeks ago November 7th 2011, and on the same Monday that, as it turned out, was the beginning of the 18-city coordinated effort to evict Occupy Movement encampments all over the United States, Jason Overman, representative to Oakland Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan, shared via email to this blogger a video of his boss’ speech […]

Occupy Oakland Site Up As Of 2:42 AM PDT

In a blog post broke exclusively at Zennie62.com, the entire website of the Occupy Oakland movement was down, and for reasons not known to this blogger. Several online tests confirmed the status of the OO website at the time, with all pages appearing as white speace, and the Occupy Oakland movement had not taken note […]

Occupy Oakland Website Down As Of 11:23 PM PDT

For some reason, the website at the URL http://www.occupyoakland.org – the online home of the Occupy Oakland movement – is down. To be more specific, this blogger discovered that not just the home page of the website, but a number of pages revealed after a site search using site:www.occupyoakland.org were showing up as blank white […]

Fox News Megyn Kelly Gets Pepper Spray From UC Davis Police Lt John Pike

UPDATE: Kelly explains pepper spray comments. Just about over a day after the November 18th UC Davis Police action against UC Davis students in non-violent protest, where UC Davis Police Lt. John Pike grabbed a bottle of pepper spray and started covering kneeling students with it, Fox News Anchor Megyn Kelly made a silly statement. […]

Mayor Quan: Occupy Oakland Costs City Of Oakland $3 Million

According to an email newsletter by Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, the decision to evict Occupy Oakland protestors has (so far) cost the City of Oakland $3 million. Here’s what Quan wrote: This has been a tough few weeks for Oakland and for me as your Mayor. The national 99% movement continues to evolve, here in […]

Occupy Oakland: Mayor Quan’s Sharon Cornu, Dan Siegel Not Missed

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan wants a new team! There has been a rash of staff changes in the wake of the unpopular eviction of Occupy Oakland from Oakland City Hall that happened Monday of last week. First, that legal adviser and Oakland legend Dan Siegel resigned last Monday was the worst kept secret in Oakland, […]

Occupy Oakland: Whole Foods Not Leaving Oakland

A rumor started that Whole Foods on 27th and Telegraph Avenue in Oakland, the 50,000 square-foot store that has revitalized a long-dead part of Oakland’s Adams Point, and can be seen in this Zennie62 video from September 26, 2007… was going to leave Oakland after an attack by protestors at first connected to Occupy Oakland, […]

Occupy Oakland Mobs Uptown Property And Splash Pad Park

As this is written, there’s a helicopter over Downtown Oakland on Sunday morning. According to the blog of Occupy Oakland, the organization took over the much-talked-about abandoned lot in Downtown Oakland’s Uptown District, and bordered by Telegraph and 18th Avenues next to the Fox Theater and the Uptown Apartments. Occupy Oakland reports that: Occupy Oakland […]

Occupy Oakland Protest In Downtown Oakland Now

As this is written, a massive Occupy Oakland protest is underway in Downtown Oakland. From the looks of the photos there are about 2,000 people involved, and they’re reportedly on the lawn at Frank Ogawa Plaza (Oscar Grant Plaza). Zennie AbrahamZennie Abraham | Zennie Abraham or “Zennie62” is the founder of Zennie62Media which consists of […]

Occupy Oakland: Councilmember Nancy Nadel Saved Lives

The Monday morning police raid on the Occupy Oakland encampment had one interesting look to it: as the cops were walking through the grass of the plaza at 6 AM, there were no protestors, just tents. Of the roughly 300 commonly in the encampment at any one time, only 30 were arrested, including 9 from […]

Occupy Oakland – Mayor Quan Tells Of 18 City Collaboration

In the wake of the law enforcement clearing of Occupy Oakland from Frank Ogawa Plaza on Monday morning, and the news of similar actions in Portland, Denver, New York, and other cities, come the previously unknown news that the events were the result of an 18 city collaboration. The deliverer of that news? Oakland Mayor […]

Occupy Oakland: Dan Siegel Resigns, Mayor Quan In Trouble

It’s confirmed that famed Oakland lawyer and activist Dan Siegel resigned at 2 AM, and in protest to Oakland Mayor Jean Quan’s action of the eviction of the Occupy Oakland encampment at Frank Ogawa Plaza. Mr. Siegel posted his actions in a harsh statement on his Facebook page, here: Dan Siegel No longer Mayor Quan’s […]

Oakland Mayor Quan Walks Occupy Oakland After Eviction

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan was just captured on camera walking Frank Ogawa Plaza in the wake of the eviction of Occupy Oakland, tends and protestors. The live stream (as of this writing) shows protestors lined up around the area, which has been declared a crime scene by the Oakland Police. The eviction started at just […]

Occupy Oakland Eviction Underway – Live Stream

This is a live stream of the City of Oakland Police action in the eviction of Occupy Oakland, one that started just about 20 minutes ago. Upcoming video will show law enforcement in riot gear moving in to take down the encampment at Frank Ogawa Plaza. As of this writing, police are arresting Occupy Oakland […]

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