
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture News by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Oakland Green Party

Oakland Tribune’s Angela Woodall’s Wronghead View Of Downtown

Grrr. Oakland Tribune reporter Angela Woodall’s done it again: wrote another completely wrongheaded account of my Oakland. The first time it was a Twitter tweet that implied there was corruption at the Oakland Coliseum (she was correct), only to completely back away from the accusation when this blogger pointed to it. This time, the second […]

Oakland School Shooting: One L Goh “Cooperative”

UPDATE: There may be a question on if the photo is of One L Goh, which I got from a TV news broadcast. More later. The words “Oakland School Shooting” are still a shock to this blogger, because it just seems not right that Oakland should be impacted in that way. Yet, here we are, […]

Oakland Mayor Quan Pissed Over April Fools Joke

The blog post called “Mayor Jean Quan Had Affair With Ron Dellums In 2009” and released on April Fools Day Sunday, was widely seen by readers and observers as an April Fools joke, which it was. Trouble is, a staffer for Jean Quan, the Mayor Of Oakland, wasn’t down with the humor. In a series […]

Mayor Jean Quan Had Affair With Ron Dellums In 2009

UPDATE: Mayor Quan Pissed Over April Fools Joke. Fans of Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums believed he was on a good track to recover what some others had said was a failed effort as Mayor of Oakland, and expected him to announce his run to be reelected as far back at late 2009. But, and while […]

Oakland Coliseum JPA Called Corrupt By Oakland Tribune Reporter

The Oakland Alameda County Coliseum Authority, or “Joint Powers Authority”, or “JPA” is known for its rather clubby politics, at times so much so that it leads many to question how it operates. One of those who’s done so, or formed a conclusion, is Oakland Tribune Reporter Angela Woodall. Woodall regularly covers the JPA, so […]

Oakland Hopping On Friday In Uptown

Since I found myself in Oakland for a weekend rather than Georgia, Chicago, Las Vegas, or Los Angeles, and on the first Friday of the month of March, I took a late night (10 PM) visit down to Uptown Oakland. It was packed with people. What was most fun to learn was the number of […]

Oakland Police Chief Jordan Talks Problem Solving-Officer Redeployment

Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan, concerned that the public has the wrong idea about the redeployment of what the City of Oakland calls “Problem Solving Officers”, wrote “a letter to the community” which appears below. It essentially says that 35 police officers are still placed in each of the City’s 35 police beats, but 22 […]

Oakland News: Kathy Neal Quits Assm Race, Blasts Joel Young; Boots Riley Strikes

A lot of Oakland News to catch up on so let’s get started. First, Kathy Neal called to explain that yes she’s out of the race for the 18th California Assembly District Seat, and while she’s not yet endorsing a candidate, the person she’s definitely not backing is AC Transit Board Member Joel Young. What […]

The Green Party Rises In Post-Occupy Oakland – Oakland Politics

Occupy Oakland has given rise to a party that, for a long time, seemed almost dead in Oakland: The Green Party. Oakland Politics – or to be clear, politics in Oakland, California – has always been marked by wild, turbulent events and eras that left the city vastly different than it was before. Arguably, this […]

Oakland Green Party Cadidates Press Conference Thursday, 4 PM, City Hall

The Oakland Green Party has issued a press release that declared Thursday, February 9th to be GREEN DAY. That day, at 4PM on the Oakland City Hall Steps, the Oakland Green Party will introduce its four candidates for City of Oakland offices. Here’s a preview: Theresa Anderson will run for the Oakland At-Large seat. Donald […]

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