
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Oakland Elections

Oakland Councilmember De La Fuente Called Homophobe By LGBT Club

Oakland Councilmember Ignacio De La Fuente’s in hot water over a campaign approach that overstepped the bounds of appropriate taste in his battle for the current At-Large City Council seat held by Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan. VOTE FOR KAPLAN FOR OAKLAND AT LARGE A letter sent by the The East Bay Stonewall Democratic Club this evening […]

Oakland News: Oakland City Council Races 48-hrs Before Election Day

In this Oakland News you know it’s just 48 hours before election day when on Saturday night, you see Nyesha DeWitt’s campaign truck parked on Broadway at 10 PM. Have to admit, this blogger’s never seen a U-Haul used to get out a candidate’s vote, but that was the case here: So with that, let’s […]

Sean Sullivan, Oakland: $38 for 38 years – We Are Having A Party

Birthdays are great hallmarks for the journey of our lives. I, Sean Sullivan, want to invite you to join me in celebrating this journey at through a fundraising event we are having entitled “$38 for 38 years.” I’ll be celebrating with friends like Oakland Council woman Pat Kernighan and progressive icon, San Francisco mayor, Art […]

A City Council for All of Us

Yesterday, I had the fortune to launch on Zennie62 and also, get respond to some queries on Love, Health and Advocacy. I first met Tanya Love when she came to a house/store party I had in Uptown at Inkwell Tattoo Studio in February. I have been excited to watch how she has covered the Oakland […]

Sean Sullivan For Oakland City Council: Why I’m Running. What I’ll Do For District 3

I have been running for Oakland City Council since May 23, 2011 when I had my first house party in Adams Point. I’m running for Oakland City Councilmember because I believe in the promise and possibility of Oakland. I’m running for City Council to give the residents of District 3 the leadership we need—and the […]

Oakland Tribune’s Angela Woodall’s Wronghead View Of Downtown

Grrr. Oakland Tribune reporter Angela Woodall’s done it again: wrote another completely wrongheaded account of my Oakland. The first time it was a Twitter tweet that implied there was corruption at the Oakland Coliseum (she was correct), only to completely back away from the accusation when this blogger pointed to it. This time, the second […]

Pat Kernighan: Occupy Oakland Targets Oakland Councilmember

Pat Kernighan, the Oakland District Two Councilmember who has, in this blogger’s view, ably served the people of her area for three terms. However, and even with that, Councilmember Kernighan is the target of Occupy Oakland, and in a way that seems to threaten her physically, as you can tell by the poster here announcing […]

Oakland City Council Will Change; Oaklanders Get To Decide How – Dan Cohen

The Oakland City Council is going to change, here’s how you can get involved. Since we live in a world where incumbents seem to win 110% of the time, it’s a huge deal when they don’t run.  And once in a while, there’s a chance for seismic change when more than one decide not to […]

The Oakland Caucus Candidates Forum Tonight, 5:30, Community Bank of the Bay

The Oakland Caucus, a candidates forum presented by the Oakland Builders Alliance and its new executive director Bev Rivas, is this evening at 5:30 PM at Community Bank of the Bay, 1750 Broadway Oakland. There will be candidates from the Oakland City Council race and the Oakland City Attorney race, and food too. Yes, local […]

Oakland School Shooting: One L Goh “Cooperative”

UPDATE: There may be a question on if the photo is of One L Goh, which I got from a TV news broadcast. More later. The words “Oakland School Shooting” are still a shock to this blogger, because it just seems not right that Oakland should be impacted in that way. Yet, here we are, […]

Mayor Jean Quan Had Affair With Ron Dellums In 2009

UPDATE: Mayor Quan Pissed Over April Fools Joke. Fans of Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums believed he was on a good track to recover what some others had said was a failed effort as Mayor of Oakland, and expected him to announce his run to be reelected as far back at late 2009. But, and while […]

Oakland News: Rob Bonta And YouTube, Coliseum JPA, Woodall Pissed

In this Oakland News you can tell a lot about a candidate by not just their videos, but when they were uploaded. Rob Bonta is currently the front-runner for the California Assembly District 18 race, and it’s 2012. But the restless, ambitious Bonta (nothing wrong with that) put out this video in 2010 explaining why […]

Oakland Coliseum JPA Called Corrupt By Oakland Tribune Reporter

The Oakland Alameda County Coliseum Authority, or “Joint Powers Authority”, or “JPA” is known for its rather clubby politics, at times so much so that it leads many to question how it operates. One of those who’s done so, or formed a conclusion, is Oakland Tribune Reporter Angela Woodall. Woodall regularly covers the JPA, so […]

SMG v AEG At Oakland Coliseum; Doug Thornton Interview

My friend Doug Thornton, the man who saved the Louisiana Superdome, and who’s SMG’s Senior Vice President for Stadiums, sat down with me to talk about how the Coliseum has progressed since he came on the scene representing SMG in this capacity, and about the competition with AEG (known for developing LA Live) to run […]

California AD District 18 Candidates Forum Tuesday Night, 6:30 PM, Oakland

The first big candidates forum will be held tomorrow, Tuesday night, at the Rockridge Public Library 5366 College (near Rockridge BART) at 6:30 pm (for pizza and networking) and the event itself starts at 7 PM. It pits the three candidates – Rob Bonta, Abel Guillen, Joel Young – against each other and before a […]

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