
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Mit Romney

Mitt Romney Must Show College Transcripts

Where are Gov. Mitt Romney’s college transcripts? For all of the questions about President Obama and his college transcripts, which are not sealed by the way, no one has asked to see Governor Mitt Romney’s college transcripts. Here’s where silliness ensues. Because it’s one thing to know that Romney graduated in a certain year, or […]

Mitt Romney Blocked Gay Parents From Obtaining Birth Certificates

Mitt Romney worked to prevent gay parents from obtaining birth certificates when he was Governor of Massachusetts. According to The Boston Globe the state Registry of Vital Records and Statistics had to alter its birth certificate forms for babies born to same-sex couples. The box for “father” would be relabeled “father or second parent,’’ to […]

Mitt Romney Debates Himself (Video)

Who is GOP Presidential Candidate Gov. Mitt Romney? Is he the man who wants to reduce taxes that will cost $5 trillion in revenue? Or is Mitt Romney the one who wants to avoid decreasing taxes on high-income Americans? Does he want to hire teachers, or fire them? DailyKos has made a great video on […]

Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan Show Latino Issues In Videos

Mitt Romney has had his “Bittergate” moment, and the fundraiser where someone ran a hidden video camera while the former Governor of Massachusetts basically ran his mouth about everything from “Obama Voters” to Latinos has hit the news cycle today, and threatens a GOP Presidential Campaign that’s already off the rails, thanks to a terrible […]

Mitt Romney focus of hilarious poem by 92-year-old Ralph Maxwell

You have to stop and watch this great poem by Ralph Maxwell. Mr. Maxwell is a World War II Veteran, and has eleven grandchildren and six kids, and is a supporter of President Barack Obama. He created the poem from scratch; if you want a copy of the lyrics, here they are thanks to Daily […]

Mitt Romney Must Talk About The Mormon – Black Issue

Mitt Romney says he’s running against President Barack Obama because he wants to fix the economy. We have someone to do that: Tim Geithner, our current U.S. Treasury Secretary. If Mitt wants to prove he’s got the timber for us to think of him as presidential material, he’s got to make a speech talking about […]

As Mitt Romney Speeds To GOP Nom, Questions About Finances

Mitt Romney’s speeding toward what looks to be the Republican Presidential Nomination for President. Romney’s just made a GOP Primary sweep, taking Washington DC, Maryland, and Wisconsin on Tuesday, and threatening to leave closest challenger Rick Santorum in the electoral dust. And with that, Romney’s taking sharper aim at President Obama, but leaving himself wide […]

Will Etch A Sketch Gaffe By Eric Fehrnstrom Hurt Mitt Romney?

Etch A Sketch is popular again. The latest American political news has Mitt Romney Campaign Advisor Eric Fehrnstrom making a statement that some think could cost Romney the race to represent the Republican Party in the fall Presidential Election. During a CNN segment, Eric Fehrnstrom said that altering Romney’s campaign strategy was “almost like an […]

Mitt Romney: “Getting Old Is No Picnic”

Mitt Romney celebrated his birthday two day ago, and from the looks of this Tout he left, he’s not happy about it. He says “getting old is no picnic.” Yeah. Especially when health care costs are as high as they have been, eh Mitt? You’d think, considering Mitt’s running for President, he’d say something more […]

Mitt Romney Wins Washington

Your Ad Here Sadly, Romney has taken another state in his list of victories. Ron Paul and Santorum were both very close with one another, Paul getting a second place victory and Santorum coming in third. Newt Gingrich didn’t even win any of the counties – so he should really just quit while he still […]

Mitt Romney Jobs Presentation Panned On Twitter

Whatever reputation former Governor Mitt Romney had for being “robotic” was cemented Tuesday with an awful presentation of his plan for the American Economy. This blogger watched, as Romney’s presentation was roundly panned on Twitter, and indeed he seemed to realize at one point that he could have done better. And that was as he […]

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