
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Oakland Mayor Recall

Oakland News: Oakland City Council Races 48-hrs Before Election Day

In this Oakland News you know it’s just 48 hours before election day when on Saturday night, you see Nyesha DeWitt’s campaign truck parked on Broadway at 10 PM. Have to admit, this blogger’s never seen a U-Haul used to get out a candidate’s vote, but that was the case here: So with that, let’s […]

Oakland City Council District 3 Race: Sean Sullivan, Ken Pratt, Lynette Gibson McElhaney

This video was made on the evening of the June 12th Oakland City Council District Three Candidates Forum. This blogger was fresh in town from what was my fifth trip back to Atlanta, Georgia this year so far (in fact, I didn’t plan to attend the event because of the flight schedule), and took a […]

City Of Oakland: Oakland Police “Flawed Response” To Occupy Oakland Oct 25th Protest

The City Of Oakland admits what many have known for months, and almost cost Oakland Mayor Jean Quan her job, a successful recall effort would have given her one of the shortest executive careers in public sector history. It caused a full-scale war pitting the Oakland Police against Occupy Oakland protestors and OPD or law […]

Oakland City Council Will Change; Oaklanders Get To Decide How – Dan Cohen

The Oakland City Council is going to change, here’s how you can get involved. Since we live in a world where incumbents seem to win 110% of the time, it’s a huge deal when they don’t run.  And once in a while, there’s a chance for seismic change when more than one decide not to […]

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Recall Effort Officially Dead Says Gene Hazzard

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan can rest now. The effort to recall Mayor Quan is officially dead (along with the website photo that gives her green lipstick) according to its originator, Oakland’s long-time enabler Gene Hazzard. Gene sent a text pointing this blogger to his official website called “removejeanquan.com” and two letters posted on Friday May […]

Mayor Jean Quan Had Affair With Ron Dellums In 2009

UPDATE: Mayor Quan Pissed Over April Fools Joke. Fans of Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums believed he was on a good track to recover what some others had said was a failed effort as Mayor of Oakland, and expected him to announce his run to be reelected as far back at late 2009. But, and while […]

Oakland Coliseum JPA Called Corrupt By Oakland Tribune Reporter

The Oakland Alameda County Coliseum Authority, or “Joint Powers Authority”, or “JPA” is known for its rather clubby politics, at times so much so that it leads many to question how it operates. One of those who’s done so, or formed a conclusion, is Oakland Tribune Reporter Angela Woodall. Woodall regularly covers the JPA, so […]

CA Dist 18: Abel Guillen Wins Welstone Poll; Rob Bonta Reports KaChing

The news updates regarding the California Assembly District 18 Race keep coming in, so without any delay, here’s what I’ve got. Abel Guillen won another straw poll, this one held by the Wellstone Democratic Club, and he did so in smashing fashion. Mr. Guillen rang up 44 votes to 7 for Rob Bonta, and none […]

Oakland Police Chief Jordan Talks Problem Solving-Officer Redeployment

Oakland Police Chief Howard Jordan, concerned that the public has the wrong idea about the redeployment of what the City of Oakland calls “Problem Solving Officers”, wrote “a letter to the community” which appears below. It essentially says that 35 police officers are still placed in each of the City’s 35 police beats, but 22 […]

Oakland News: Kathy Neal Quits Assm Race, Blasts Joel Young; Boots Riley Strikes

A lot of Oakland News to catch up on so let’s get started. First, Kathy Neal called to explain that yes she’s out of the race for the 18th California Assembly District Seat, and while she’s not yet endorsing a candidate, the person she’s definitely not backing is AC Transit Board Member Joel Young. What […]

Occupy Oakland Arrestees Tortured In Jail; Oakland “Y” Hosts Protestor Escape

According to the Daily Kos, and other blogs, a number of the 400 people arrested during last Saturday’s Occupy Oakland protest were sent to Santa Rita Jail, and of those who were not able to make bail set, they’re reportedly being tortured. Yes, you did read that correctly. Here’s what was presented at Daily Kos’ […]

Oakland News: Richmond Wins LBL Campus Competition, Mayor Recall Update

Richmond beats Alameda and Oakland for LBL Second Campus After a tough, competitive battle for the right to play host to the long-planned-for second campus of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, it was announced at 8 AM that Richmond was the winner. Richmond, already location of property and facilities owned by the University of California, […]

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Recall Effort Scarred By Voter Fraud Claim

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan undoubtedly fears the recall effort launched against her, but from what this blogger has learned, it’s currently marred by not two, but three (yes, 3) competing efforts, backbiting, and the appearance of voter fraud. How it all started was that long-time Oakland activist Gene Hazzard (who was instrumental in ‘drafting’ then-former […]

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