
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham


Would Apple’s Steve Jobs Hire Kevin Lynch, The Adobe Flash Guru?

Steve Jobs is no longer of this Earth, and while your response may be ‘He never was, even when he was here,’ the bottom line is Mr. Jobs is no longer around to scream about and wage war against Adobe Flash on the Apple iOS operating system. Given that, and his well documented reasons for […]

Ashton Kutcher’s Scary Resemblance To Steve Jobs In JOBS

That photo is of Two And A Half Men star and Internet entrepreneur Ashton Kutcher, bearing a really scary resemblance to Apple Computer Founder and CEO Steve Jobs, and from the upcoming movie JOBS. The movie has been in the works almost since Steve passed away of complications due to pancreatic cancer on October 5th, […]

Are these Apple iPhone 5 photos over at Nowhereelse.fr?

A number of American tech bloggers have pointed to the French blog Nowhereelse.fr, as having true photos of the Apple iPhone 5. But it’s obvious some bloggers over here in the USA failed to read the translated version of what was written at Nowhereelse.fr by Steve Hemmerstoffer. It’s is presented in a careful away, as […]

Apple CEO Tim Cook: Forbes’ Victoria Murphy Called Him “Unlikely Successor” In 2004

Apple CEO Tim Cook, Apple Founder and CEO Steve Jobs’ pick to replace him prior to his passing (both shown above), can look back and laugh at Victoria Murphy (now Victoria Murphy Barrett) an Associate Editor with Forbes Magazine to this day, who, in 2004 let loose with a character assassination that basically said he […]

Find Apple iPhone App Helps Oakland Police Catch Robbers

You read that correctly: “Find Apple iPhone App Helps Oakland Police Catch Robbers” I recently purchased an Apple iPad for my Mom, with an eye toward buying her an Apple iPhone and a Mac Mini so she can sync her information, and find her devices. But the other reason is so if someone steals either […]

Steve Jobs Resigns From Apple: Allen Paltrow’s Story Of Meeting Jobs

As the news of Apple CEO Steve Jobs decision to step down from the post of leader of the iconic company he created spreads, some interesting perspectives on Jobs come out. Perhaps few – well, I haven’t seen one yet – are as interesting as what happened to then “10 or 12” year old Allen […]

Steve Jobs Resigns as Apple CEO

Steve Jobs is 55-years-old and has been suffering from pancreatic cancer, as reported by PBS. He has been on medical leave since January 17, 2011 and he has recently (just hours ago) announced his resignation as Apple’s CEO in a Press Release: ” PRESS RELEASE: Letter from Steve Jobs August 24, 2011-To the Apple Board […]

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