
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture News by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Tap Tank: Life Goal Monitoring Platform Getting Mobile App

Tap Tank is a New York City-based company started by Alisha Outridge, who I met along with her business partner Yael Tamar, at TechCrunch Disrupt San Francisco 2011. The three of us have kept in touch both personally and professionally, so Alisha looked me up via Twitter last weekend when she was in San Francisco, and we met at The Balboa Cafe to talk about Tap Tank’s upcoming mobile platform, or really just a general overview. Here’s the Tout:

In text form, Tap Tank basically gives you a way to actually establish what life goals are important to you, then gives you a place to actually track your progress to achieving those goals and share them with friends. It’s that simple and that compelling. The only thing Tap Tank lacks is a kind of one number metric that would allow you or me to tell where we are in reaching our goals. Like Kred or Klout for your life goals. Here’s the Tap Tank video:

There’s so much data the Tap Tank system holds, it’s fun to play with the graphs and see where you are. It’s even more fun to witness in the very cool wire frame that Alisha presented. My prediction is the mobile app will be the device that launches Tap Tank into star-startup status. If Alisha can figure out the metric too, then Tap Tank’s off to the races.

Visit Tap Tank: http://www.taptank.com/

Tap Tank: Life Goal Monitoring Platform Getting Mobile App

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