
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture News by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Oakland Not On Fire, Fox News Lies About Occupy Oakland

Oakland is on fire!

If you watch Fox News or ABC News or read the hyperbolic posts of Michelle Malkin, and don’t live in Oakland, you’d think just that: Oakland’s burning. But the truth is it’s all a big fat media lie.

Michelle Malkin, too.

This blogger just ended a phone conversation where Mom called because the media, in her case ABC News with Diane Sawyer, left her with the impression that Oakland was beset with fire and violence.

What she saw was a fabrication. An untruth based on a series of individual small events of vandalism done by a few not associated with Occupy Oakland (which has denounced their actions).

There are a lot of lies out there. It’s time for truth.

The truth is the Occupy Oakland General Strike, the first since 1946, brought almost 100,000 people to downtown Oakland for a full day of rallies, eating, talking, dancing, and teaching.

Want proof? Here’s two videos from Zennie62 on YouTube:

The first video features a walk from Thomas Berkeley (20th Street) and Broadway to 14th and Broadway, with conversations with people along the way:

The second video is from a dance party, where the best dancer was a cute little toddler:

It would be nice if the major media outlets would show what really happened in Oakland, rather than the violent crap they’re pushing at the American public.

Stay tuned.

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    Oakland Not On Fire, Fox News Lies About Occupy Oakland

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