
News,Sports,Tech,Politics,Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham &Zennie62Media,Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Netflix’s new plan:save a buck with SD-only streaming –Ars Technica

Netflix’s new plan:save a buck with SD-only streaming
Ars Technica
Netflix has added a new streaming plan to its slate:for $6.99 per month,customers can get a plan that allows streaming to a single screen at one time,in standard-definition only,Engadget reported Monday. This plan costs a dollar less than what was
Netflix Tests Subscription Pricing Based on Number of UsersBloomberg
Netflix intros cheaper standard definition streaming plan for new subscribersEngadget
Netflix Lowers Streaming Price by $1 for Some New MembersMashable
TechCrunchBusiness Insider
all 17 news articles

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Source:Tech News From Google

Netflix’s new plan:save a buck with SD-only streaming –Ars Technica

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