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Zennie Abraham

Dancing With The Stars 2011 Cast: Kristin Cavallari, Ron Artest, Nancy Grace, Hope Solo

Ok what do Kristin Cavallari Kristin Cavallari Ron Artest, Nancy Grace, Hope Solo, Ricki Lake, Chynna Phillips
Elisabetta Canalis, David Arquette, Rob Kardashian, Ryan O’Neal, Jr. Martinez, and Chaz Bono have in common?

Well, if the rumors hold and the leak is true, they’re all going to be the newest Dancing With The Stars 2011 contestants. For USA Women’s Soccer Star Hope Solo, DWTS is a major signpost on her rise in the Zeitgeist.

The favorite women’s soccer hottie of famed bartender Lance Stewart at San Francisco’s Balboa Cafe, Solo has not yet tweeted her response @hopesolo to the news, and in fact has’t tweeted in 23 hours as of this writing. One thing’s for sure, Hope won’t have time to catch fish in her canoe!

But of all the people on the Dancing With the Stars list, Solo’s the name that, arguably, would have been the least known of all of them just two years ago. Congratulations to Hope, and here’s “hoping” that her fellow USA Women’s Soccer teammates come and support Solo in the spotlight.

As for who tops the list? Well, Nancy Grace.

If you think about it, DWTS gives Grace more exposure in the wake of the end of the Cassie Anthony Trial, where Grace so famously went bonkers over the verdict, and got on America’s nerves.

Then there’s The Hills star Kristin Cavallari, who was “dumped” by Chicago Bears QB Jay Cutler, but doesn’t seem to broken up about it. (His loss.) She has been in the spotlight for some time.

In fact, going down the line of stars set for Dancing With The Stars 2011, it’s hard to find anyone that went from unknown to known as Hope Solo has done.

This is going to be fun to watch.

Lance, get the TV ready!

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    Dancing With The Stars 2011 Cast: Kristin Cavallari, Ron Artest, Nancy Grace, Hope Solo

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