
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Oakland News: De La Fuente At-Large Run Due To Job Difficulties?

The speculation continues over why Oakland Councilmember Ignacio De La Fuente’s running against Oakland’s At-Large City Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan. The latest reason that many offer – this is the talk – is that a Port Of Oakland position once earmarked for him didn’t pan out, and his long-rumored job with the administration of Governor Jerry Brown has not came to reality.

So, Ignacio finds himself stuck in a corner. Again, that’s the talk.

But this blogger thinks the real reason is this: IDF loves the spotlight. He can’t resist being the guy in charge, the person you need, and the talking head on TV, or in my videos. Cases in point:

I think Ignacio’s like many athletes who don’t know when their time is up, and when they’re out, go totally nuts not being the center of attention. Thus, IDF fights. It’s not a matter of a dislike for Kaplan, so much as running against her is the only viable option he has if he’s to maintain his day in the sun.

Stay tuned.

Oakland News: De La Fuente At-Large Run Due To Job Difficulties?

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