
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Newsvine News Aggregator Contracts With OnlyWire, Complains Of Links From Content?

newsvine_logo Newsvine is a news aggregator of sorts. What a news aggregator is and does is collect content that the poster considers news. That means when you, the poster, has news content and places it on Newsvine, that ads to its collection – and ads a link back to the original site of the content.

Newsvine’s contracted with a service this blogger uses called OnlyWire, where the owner of a self-hosted WordPress blog can configure it to auto-post to as many as 47 different sites – Newsvine is one of those sites.

So, you would think Newsvine’s prepared to receive a lot of content from one blogger – or what it considers as a lot of content?

It would seem not the case.

Newsvine just sent an email to this blogger stating this:

Please note that Newsvine is a platform designed to enable collaborative discovery and discussion of the news — it is not a vehicle for self-promotion. As such, it is the community’s policy to prohibit the seeding of links to your own web site, and/or the posting of material deemed to be advertising or of a promotional nature. You are welcome to list a web address under the ‘personal home page’ field on your account settings page. A link to your home page will then be available to other users on all of your articles and seeded links.

If that’s the case, someone at Newsvine doesn’t know what it’s doing by contracting with companies like OnlyWire.

There are too many people who start these news aggregators, then seem shocked when people actually use them as news aggregators.

My response was testy and because how do I know there’s not some crazy, looney racist who has an issue with blacks in new media? Especially those who come with an edgy view, uh, like this blogger.


Newsvine News Aggregator Contracts With OnlyWire, Complains Of Links From Content?

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