
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture News by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Rebecca Kaplan’s Occupy Oakland Speech Is Worth Hearing, Now

Rebecca Kaplan
About three weeks ago November 7th 2011, and on the same Monday that, as it turned out, was the beginning of the 18-city coordinated effort to evict Occupy Movement encampments all over the United States,

Jason Overman, representative to Oakland Councilmember Rebecca Kaplan, shared via email to this blogger a video of his boss’ speech on Occupy Oakland from the special Oakland Redevelopment Agency / Oakland City Council meeting of the Thursday of the week before. At the end of talks around a resolution to leave the encampment in place in front of Oakland City Hall, it was a plea for Oakland to set an example of how to work with the Occupy Movement that could be a positive model for America.

This blogger wanted to show the video, but then when it came time to place it in a blog post later that week, it was suddenly marked “private.” The action seemed to make sense, as overall it was difficult to get any Oakland representative to talk and at the time Councilmember Kaplan had emerged from an hours long closed session meeting on Occupy Oakland.

The assumption this blogger made was that the embagoed video was part of some effort to go silent on the issue – wrong. Later, Overman told me he made a mistake and now it’s available to be seen.


But one can see how its’ easy to think the video blocking action was deliberate.

Think about it. Here’s Kaplan calling for a new way to deal with the Occupy Movement and standing in favor of the encampment, just as Mayors from 18-cities were about the process of sending out one message: ‘We support the Occupy Movement, but the encampments are a health hazzard.’ If one wants to send a coordinated message, making any video to the opposite of that effort not available is a logical action.

Stay tuned.

Rebecca Kaplan’s Occupy Oakland Speech Is Worth Hearing, Now

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