
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Mitt Romney Blocked Gay Parents From Obtaining Birth Certificates

Mitt Romney
Mitt Romney worked to prevent gay parents from obtaining birth certificates when he was Governor of Massachusetts. According to The Boston Globe the state Registry of Vital Records and Statistics had to alter its birth certificate forms for babies born to same-sex couples. The box for “father” would be relabeled “father or second parent,’’ to work with the new law.

But Governor Romney stepped in to stop that.

Opposing that same-sex couples should rear children, Mitt Romney stopped the planned action of the Registry of Vital Records and ordered that his staff review all individual applications for birth certificates. The Boston Globe reported that:

Only after winning approval from Romney’s lawyers could hospital officials and town clerks across the state be permitted to cross out by hand the word “father’’ on individual birth certificates, and then write in “second parent,’’ in ink.

Romney actively had his staff to work to prevent the routine record keeping of births to same-sex couples. Peggy Wiesenberg, a Department of Public Health lawyer, warned in a confidential Dec. 13, 2004 memo to Mark Nielsen, Romney’s general counsel that crossouts and handwritten alterations constituted “violations of existing statutes’’ and harmed “the integrity of the vital record-keeping system,’’ according to The Boston Globe.

So the bottom line is Mitt Romney wanted to remove gay parents of new born children from legal view of society, and he set it up so it could be done with the stroke of a pen.

Imagine what he’d do as President.

Mitt Romney Blocked Gay Parents From Obtaining Birth Certificates

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