
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Adam Sandler Cracks Dan Patrick Joke At Oakland Raiders v. Jets Game

Adam Sandler was a surprise guest at the Oakland Raiders v. New York Jets game – well, at least to the Coliseum staff. Sandler, who’s star as an actor continues to rise with such movies as the recent Just Go With It, was a guest of New York Jets Owner Robert Wood Johnson. (According to Coliseum staffers, Sandler said “Hey, I’m just coming in – got my Jets gear on.”)

Once word spread that he was at the game, Sandler came outside the box to sign some autographs and joke about Dan Patrick, of The Dan Patrick Show. Here’s a Tout:

The side story is that one of the show’s characters, “McLovin” or Andrew Perloff, who’s at the NFL Draft as am I, is a friend of this blogger. Because of that, and my little, occasional, friendly jabs at Dan and the Danettes, Sandler elected to contribute a joke of his own under the heading “Where’s Dan Patrick.”

Sandler: “I don’t know. I’m having a great time in Oakland. Here in the booth. Dan was supposed to be here. McLovin’s a fine individual, but Dan. I left Dan in the parking lot, and said ‘Meet you up here,” then some guys grabbed Dan, and uh…”

Too funny.

Adam Sandler. Class act. Stood outside the box and signed as many hats and shirts as he could.

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    Adam Sandler Cracks Dan Patrick Joke At Oakland Raiders v. Jets Game

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