
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Day: September 26, 2011

Fun At Oakland Raiders – NY Jets Game, Adam Sandler Hold’s Court

Yesterday’s amazing Oakland Raiders v. New York Jets game was, for this blogger, punctuated by a number of events. The first one was meeting Oakland Raiders’ Legend, Linebacker Ted “The Mad Stork” Hendricks, who was given the honor of raising the flag before the game, and to the roar of an appreciative crowd. “Anything to […]

Adam Sandler Cracks Dan Patrick Joke At Oakland Raiders v. Jets Game

Adam Sandler was a surprise guest at the Oakland Raiders v. New York Jets game – well, at least to the Coliseum staff. Sandler, who’s star as an actor continues to rise with such movies as the recent Just Go With It, was a guest of New York Jets Owner Robert Wood Johnson. (According to […]

Gary Johnson vs Ron Paul

Ron Paul has always been set a part from all the other Republicans running for President, because he is so much different in his views than the others who stood on the stage with him. His libertarian beliefs made him stronger, but now there is someone who has entered the race that people are pinning […]

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