
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

“James Bond Test” By Britain’s SIS (MI6) – Try It

Skyfall-JamesBond_2377965b James Bond. Sure you enjoy the movies based on Ian Fleming’s character and have your favorite James Bond actor, but do you have what it takes to actually be Bond? Well, there’s an online test you can take to find out.

The test is called “Intelligence Officer Challenge” and is at the website of SIS, or Secret Intelligence Service, the real life version of the British organization 007 works for.

If you’ve ever seen a Bond film, you know he has a cover role: Bond works for Universal Exports and is an import / export agent. In the cover role Bond has a number of items of information he had to remember, or his cover will be blown, and under certain circumstances, that could cost him his life.

In the “Intelligence Officer Challenge” your job is to remember the items of information that make up the cover character you’re asked to be. I’m not going to give away who that is here, because it would spoil the fun of playing the game. But I will tell you, before I link to it, that you have to memorize the document and then be prepared to answer questions quickly.

Frankly, the “Intelligence Officer Challenge” is a bit addictive. Yes, I played it.

My initial score was a “5” which was said to be average under normal circumstances, but not good enough for “Intelligence Officer” designation. In other words, in the field, I’d have been killed. Still, it’s not a bad start for someone who was watching Skyfall while playing the game.

Regardless of score, you’re not asked to apply to MI6 if you get a perfect score, anyway.

Think of the “Intelligence Officer Challenge” as a little like acting: you’re memorizing your parts – your role. It also gives you a peek into why the story that formed the movie Argo was so extraordinary: think of what would have happened if the American captives in Iran had not played their roles well.

With that, here’s the link below. Good luck.

“Intelligence Officer Challenge”: https://www.sis.gov.uk/careers/roles/intelligence-officer/test-your-skills.html

“James Bond Test” By Britain’s SIS (MI6) – Try It

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