
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Colin Kaepernick Super Bowl Party Saturday, Pitman HS, Turlock, CA


Colin Kaepernick is the focus of a Super Bowl party that will be held this Saturday in Turlock, CA. This is blogger found out about it via Diana Wagner, who was a bar mate at The Apple Store in San Francisco last Friday evening.

“It’s a 49er tailgate party,” she says. And Diane should know, as she’s one of the event organizers, together with the Turlock Chamber of Commerce.

The it Colin Kaepernick celebration will be held at Pittman High School from 11 AM to 2 PM this Saturday. And Pitman HS is located at 2525 W Christoffersen Pkwy Turlock, CA 95382 and the number is (209) 656-1592.

Oh, and why Colin Kaepernick? Well, he grew up in Turlock and Pitman was his high school.

Stay tuned.

Colin Kaepernick Super Bowl Party Saturday, Pitman HS, Turlock, CA

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