
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

George Lucas picks a Chicago site for his $700 million pop culture museum – HitFix

Hold on before you get worked up, though, folks. It’s not like George Lucas just threw a dart to pick the spot to open his new museum. It sounds like he made a huge effort at opening a museum in San Francisco, but those efforts ended in frustration, and as a …
L.A. Mayor Tries to Convince George Lucas to Build Museum There, With The Mary Sue
George Lucas Is Building A Museum Of Narrative Art In ChicagoUproxx
Chicago lands Lucas MuseumWLS
The Seattle TimesChicago Tribuneartnet News
all 306 news articles

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Source: Google News Entertainment

George Lucas picks a Chicago site for his $700 million pop culture museum – HitFix

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