
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture News by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

CES 2012 : Mobile, 3D, CE, YouTube, And Digital Hollywood

Zennie62 will be in Las Vegas for CES 2012 between January 8, 2012 and January 15th 2012, and looking through my press emails, the trend and buzz is concerned with mobile and with 3D. On top of that, there are several interesting conferences within the Consumer Electronics Show that are of note.

First off, this blogger’s focus will be on “Digital Hollywood,” as it was last year. That conference track features any and all sessions and keynote speeches devoted to what’s new and coming and what technology is available that can more efficiently distribute a movie or some kind of entertainment-oriented content. The list of keynote speakers is impressive:

Steve Ballmer Chief Executive Officer, Microsoft
Dr. Paul E. Jacobs, Chairman and CEO, Qualcomm
Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management, Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars
Hans Vestberg, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ericsson Group
Paul Otellini, President and CEO, Intel Corporation
Ursula Burns, Chairman and CEO, Xerox
Lowell McAdam, President and CEO, Verizon
Alan Mulally, President and CEO, Ford Motor Company

The main Digital Hollywood session is on “Hypertargeting: Ad Networks, Ad Serving and Ad Targeting,” and features the following speakers:

Darren Herman, Chief Digital Media Officer, The Media Kitchen, KBS+P
James Colborn, Director, Targeting & Exchange for Microsoft Advertising
Jeffrey Hochberg, Vice President of Sales, AOL’s Audience Targeting, AOL
James Semenak, Principal Industry Consultant, Media and e-Business Consulting, Teradata Corporation
Bryan Schroeder, Senior Director, Advertiser Product Marketing & Solutions – Americas, Yahoo!
Chris Tolles, CEO, Topix
Doron Wesley, Senior Director Research & Insights, Tremor Video
Sun Jen Yung, Managing Director, Headwaters MB, Moderator

Mobile, CE, and 3D

A number of press announcements are for products related to tablets and smartphones. In fact, to look at the total number of mailings, you’d think computers were a thing of the past. If it’s not something like Casio’s new product rollout including the SLIM Projectors, with second generation Laser & LED light source technology, then it’s Mimoco new line of card readers and drives.

On the tablet front, San Francisco-based Coincident features a “two-screen” system that “enables tablets and TVs to be programmed to work together, synchronously, offering enormous advantages to television viewers, content owners and pay TV providers alike.”

I’ve got to see that.

Or is you want bags and backpacks, GreenSmart has “soon-to-be-unveiled line of stylish eco-friendly sleeves and bags,” and Vivick’s has an “Anti-Theft Backpack,” that “composed of nearly indestructible military-grade gauge nylon, an anti-slash material that prohibits intruders from breaching the fabric.”


On Monday, January 9th, both Sony and Panasonic are hosting events, and judging from the 2011 Sony event, 2012’s version’s going to be a hoot.

Perhaps I’ll see Vlogger Cali Lewis there, again:

But I digress.

YouTube At CES

CES reports that Robert Kyncl,the Vice President of Global Content Partnerships at YouTube, will deliver what’s called the “Entertainment Matters” keynote address on January 12th at 10 AM. I will be there for that one, and hopefully come away with an interview that follows on to this one with Lucas Watson, YouTube’s head of sales and marketing:

Stay tuned.

CES 2012 : Mobile, 3D, CE, YouTube, And Digital Hollywood

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