
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture News by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Ben Stein Tells Fox News America Has To Raise Taxes On Very Rich

Ben Stein
Ben Stein
Ben Stein, still better known for his role as the teacher in Ferris Buehler’s Day Off who said “Buehler. Buehler? Anyone? Buehler?” may have just equaled, if not topped that performance today. Mr. Stein, a guest on the show Fox News’ Fox and Friends today, proved he was a real economist, and not a conservative mouthpiece, when he said that “We going to have to raise taxes on the very, very rich – like $3 (million), $4 million – and then gradually down from there to $250 (thousand) – that’s not really a rich person.”

You can see the body language of the Fox And Friends hosts adjust, as they try and fail to match wits with Ben Stein, but to no avail.

Facts, as Vice President Biden said last week, are facts, and the fact is, taxes are too low for the rich and have been for some time. Also, our best years of economic growth have been from between 1960 and 1974, but America also had higher tax rates then.

But of course, the Fox and Friends Mitt Romney supporters could not stand that Mr. Stein was making a statement that was pro-President Obama. Let’s see if they have him back again before the election.

Stay tuned.

Ben Stein Tells Fox News America Has To Raise Taxes On Very Rich

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