
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Storm Diverts Oklahoma-Bound Seattle Elephants to San Diego – ABC News

Storm Diverts Oklahoma-Bound Seattle Elephants to San Diego
ABC News
Two aging female elephants that a Seattle zoo dispatched earlier this week on a 2,000-mile road trip to a new home at an Oklahoma zoo have been diverted by a storm — and are now resting at the San Diego Zoo, the Woodland Park Zoo said Friday.
Elephants en route from Seattle to Oklahoma City make San Diego detourLos Angeles Times

Seattle’s elephants take detour on way to Oklahoma — now relaxing in San DiegoQ13 FOX
Share “Seattle elephants bound for OKC detoured…”NewsOK.com

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Storm Diverts Oklahoma-Bound Seattle Elephants to San Diego – ABC News

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