
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

ESPN’s Michael Wilbon Calls His Twitter Followers “Stupid”

Michael Wilbon has an obvious disdain for “many” of his Twitter Followers.

As this blog post is written, Wilbon, formerly a popular sports columnist with The Washington Post, and one-half of the host team on ESPN’s Pardon The Interruption, is talking with Alex Van Pelt about the Manti Teo controversy, and in the middle of his comments, took a turn toward talking about social media. Wilbon said, and I’m paraphrasing, “I have 900,000 Twitter Followers,” (to which Van Pelt said “shamless brag”), and they want to connect, but many of them are stupid and just want to have these meaningless conversations…”

Note to Wilbon: Twitter is such that anyone can chime in and ask you something, not just your followers. It’s a good idea to release an apology to those who’ve taken time to follow you. After all, they could just walk away.

And hey, Michael. One of them just might be that lady you’re with.

Stay tuned.

ESPN’s Michael Wilbon Calls His Twitter Followers “Stupid”

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