The Oakland Mayor’s Race, already white hot, just got even hotter, thanks to Peter Liu.

Peter Liu responded to my email regarding what he wrote with this: “I was killing terrorists in Iraq a decade ago. ^___^ me love killing terrorists.”
Peter Liu, one of 15 candidates in the Oakland Mayor’s Race, wrote, in a heated email exchange with fellow candidate Bryan Parker, that he “killed multiple people just to survive in this World, didn’t even know their names. Was it a sin? No. It was self defense.”
Liu, who also says he is the World’s Smartest Candidate, then wrote “But promoting LGBT activity is definitely a sin, a deadly one. Oakland is becoming like San Francisco, a city of awful sinners…”
It all started with this email Peter Liu sent out on September 14th and in response to Temple Sinai’s survey for its upcoming forum:
I just a got call from 510-727-5016 asking me to verify my Oakland address and that she is doing a “polling”. Then she tells me about Oakland’s rank choice voting and proceed to ask me which seven candidates I’m putting on my list.
She then names the choices, Kaplan, Quan, Bryan, Courtney, Tuman, Schaaf or Siegel.
“Which one will you put as your 1st choice? She asked.
“None of them, there are 15 candidates and I am voting for Peter Liu,” I said.
“Sorry, he is not on our list. Who is your second choice,” She replied.
“None,” I said.
“Sorry, we have to end this.” She mumurs.
Peter Liu
510-517-P.S. I really don’t care about joining a mayoral forum at the “Temple,” as it is being desecrated by candidates fresh off Oakland Pride who promoted the very sins God detested.
That last sentence was a one that made this blogger do a double-take.
The, on Monday of this week, September 15th, this email was sent out by Temple Sinai’s Robin Nagel, and to all Oakland Mayor’ Race Candidates:
From: Robin Nagel <>
To: Robin M. Nagel <>
Sent: Mon, Sep 15, 2014 4:55 pm
Subject: REMINDER: Temple Sinai of Oakland cordially invites you to attend our Non-Partisan Forum for Mayoral Candidates, Thursday, September 18, 2014
Attention: Oakland Mayoral CandidatesDear Candidate,
Temple Sinai of Oakland previously reached out to you about our Non-partisan Mayoral Candidates’ Forum on September 18, 2014 when we first invited you to “save the date.” This public event is co-sponsored by the East Bay Jewish Community Relations Council. In the spring, and again in late August, we noted criteria that would apply in selection of candidates who would be invited to speak as a panelist at the Forum.
Our criteria for participation as a panelist are:
• Filing of all required campaign documents
• Establishing a campaign website
• Receiving at least 5% of likely voters in current independent pollsWe monitored independent polls through Labor Day. According to the information available to us in late August and at this time, you do not meet all the criteria we established for participation as a speaker.
If you would like to distribute your printed campaign materials to attendees on the evening of our Forum, we will have tables available for that purpose in our social hall. This occasion of a reception will follow the Forum, at 9:00 PM. We will open our doors (Webster Street entrance, at 28th) at 6:30 PM on September 18 so that you may set up your table.
Please reply no later than Wednesday noon, September 17th to Robin Nagel, Forum Ad Hoc Committee chair ( if you choose to do so. We hope you will join us for our informational and social reception, following the Forum panel. We look forward to welcoming you and would like plan accordingly.
We appreciate your engagement in this electoral process in behalf of the City of Oakland, and wish you the best possible outcome from your efforts.
Robin Nagel
Rabbi Jaqueline Mates-Muchin Robin M. Nagel
Acting Senior Rabbi Temple Sinai Social Action CommitteeMyrna David Sue Bachman
East Bay Regional Director, JCRC Women of Temple Sinai
And when Peter learned that he did not offically qualify for the upcoming Temple Sinai Forum he then doubled down with this email:
So, Peter fired back:
Just because there are independent polls, doesn’t mean it is impartial. What kind of “independent poll” did you guys rely on? Who did it, what was the script they used and their method? If you can provide us with the polling and script info that you’ve used to exclude candidates from this mayoral forum, that’ll be helpful to determine if you’re naïve about Oakland politics.
But Peter’s ranting, along with reported personal attacks Mr. Liu leveled on fellow Oakland Mayor’s Race Candidate Bryan Parker, caused Mr. Parker to respond. He wrote this:
I have hesitated sending this note during your many outbursts during this Mayoral context. While I know you may start hurling insults and attacks at me, I can no longer sit silent as you continue to disrespect this process.I am offended by many of your tirades, but none more than this. Let me share a couple of thoughts with you. I would hope you would reflect, and if you decide to continue to participate in the run for Oakland Mayor, you will show greater respect for the office you seek.
I assume your “PS” as to sins and pride mean you equating being gay, lesbian, bisexual or trans-gender as a sin. (A) To call that statement offensive is an understatement. (B) There is a 15+% LGBT population in Oakland. How can you be Mayor of such a city where you hold such views toward a material part of our city’s population. (C) It is no sin. Last I checked it was legal to love and marry anyone you want in the state of CA. That should be the US standard, but that is another matter.
The standards were very clear on this forum. Why not protest sooner. Most of our forms have allowed anyone to participate. One, Wellstone, where Joe Tuman and I were excluded, for not being perceived as progressive enough, we showed up, politely stated our case and were allowed to participate. Why not try that approach. Maybe you would have even found support from this group. When your state you case in the child like manner you stated your case, and offend the LGBT community, including our at large council-member who is a member of that community, how do you expect to find any support.
Your effort. If you are really interested in pursuing this office, I expect to hear from you more than to complain about a forum. (A) I have seen no promotional materials from you. (B) I do not see you at any festivals where I see the other candidates. (C) I can not recall one Oaklander whose door you have knocked on or who you have called. Any one of these items, or raising money or having a consultant, which I do not believe you have done, as a single item do not make a serious candidate, however, taken in sum, and not seeing you meet any of them, suggest you are not taking this campaign seriously. If you are not taking it seriously, how do you expect any of us, the voters of Oakland or the organizers of these events to take you seriously either.Before you threaten legal action, remember Peter, you are a “public” figure now. Standards for what people can say and be actionable are much higher. I have heard a number of unflattering comments directed at me. Additionally, I am a lawyer, barred in NY and in CA, and would be happy to explain this to you.
I think you should apologize to everyone for your offensive statements, stop your tirades and start acting like a serious candidate if you want to be taken seriously.
You may reach me at 510.529.5015 if you wish to discuss further as I will not go into a war of words over email and further waste the group’s time. Perhaps I am being presumptuous, however, I feel others may have similar thoughts so I left the cc’s in tact.
Bryan Parker
But Bryan’s email (which was ill-advised) only served to egg-on the pugnatious Peter Liu. But in doing so, Liu has opened a can of worms for himself. And these kinds of worms can eat you. My eyes could not help but see this statement, which is in bold below: It is no secret, I killed multiple people just to survive in this world, didn’t even knew their names. Was it sin? No. It was self defense.
But promoting LGBT activity is definitely a sin, a deadly one. Oakland is becoming like San Francisco, a city of awful sinners nearly a quarter of people with HIV, AIDS, etc., being homeless, dying on BART elevators with their feces smeared on walls. A grave sin. San Francisco is a dirty city, full of urine on streets as gays parade.
Wild! Wrong, too!
This is, in full, what Liu fired back in response:
I love being offensive, it is my style, that’s my promotional material. You can relate to me as I’ve heard rumors from the news you were beating a girlfriend a long time ago. I wasn’t always so offensive. But war changed me man. It is no secret, I killed multiple people just to survive in this world, didn’t even knew their names. Was it sin? No. It was self defense.
But promoting LGBT activity is definitely a sin, a deadly one. Oakland is becoming like San Francisco, a city of awful sinners nearly a quarter of people with HIV, AIDS, etc., being homeless, dying on BART elevators with their feces smeared on walls. A grave sin. San Francisco is a dirty city, full of urine on streets as gays parade. These people that you are so fond of are intentionally spreading HIV, clogging up MediCal and ObamaCare. San Francisco tourists are scared and they should be. Those Rabbis and Pastors will have a hard time explaining to the Lord how low they’ve sunk.
Peter Liu
(For the record, Liu’s claim about Parker is flat out wrong. I’m backing Bryan Parker for Mayor, then Libby Schaaf and Joe Tuman, but the fact is, that’s wrong what Peter said, and here’s the video about that: The Truth.)
I called Peter to ask what he meant about those lines about killing people he did not know in self-defense. He has not returned my phone call as of this writing. I wish he would.
Stay tuned, but this Oakland Mayor’s Race race just got a whole lot more interesting.

Zennie Abraham | Zennie Abraham or “Zennie62” is the founder of Zennie62Media which consists of and a multimedia blog news aggregator and video network, and 78-blog network, with social media and content development services and consulting. Zennie is a pioneer video blogger, YouTube Partner, social media practitioner, game developer, and pundit. Note: news aggregator content does not reflect the personal views of Mr. Abraham.