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Zennie Abraham

Newtown Shooting: Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Issues Statement

Jean Quan
Jean Quan, Mayor Of Oakland

Oakland and Oaklanders were victimized by during the mass shooting at Oikos University in East Oakland. To the end of offering assistance, Oakland Mayor Jean Quan issued this statement:

Today we are attempting to reach out to officials in Newton, Connecticut to offer our support and prayers in this tragedy. Our city understands the heartbreak of young people lost to senseless violence. In the eight months since the loss of seven lives at Oikos University, we have seen the repeated mass violence at shopping malls in Portland and Wisconsin, at a high school in Aurora, Colorado and now again in an elementary school.

We agree with President Obama that “we are going to have to come together and take meaningful action.” Senator Feinstein’s legislation on assault weapons expired long ago, and any discussion of renewal or other legislation has been blocked.

And less talked about is the need to provide more mental health intervention and the need for family and neighbors to find help when mental illness is apparent.

Today in Oakland, police officers made themselves available to many schools, students and staff. Please join me in praying for the victims and their families.

Newtown Shooting: Oakland Mayor Jean Quan Issues Statement

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