Obama Impeachment Wanted By David Dewhurst, White Nationalist Darling

Texas Lt. Governor David Dewhurst has called for the impeachment of President Barack Obama and over, of all things, the Bengazi Embassy Attack: something the Texas politician knows nothing about, except what he sees on Fox News.

But what this blogger discovered about David Dewhurst (who has no power to make an Obama Impeachment happen, by the way), is that he’s a darling of the white nationalist movement, and noted for keeping company with racist (which pretty much makes him look like a racist, right?)

You know the saying about people in glass houses? Well, David Dewhurst has a big one. Google “David Dewhurst White Nationalist” and you’ll find, as of this writing, a laundry list of websites either by white nationalists or noting the white nationalist position on an issue, and there is the name David Dewhurst, who’s views are noted.

But if you want to have some real fun, Google “David Dewhurst racist” and boy there’s a treasure trove of stuff. Take this headline: “David Dewhurst Has Dinner With Owner Of Racist Blog

The blog post “David Dewhurst Has Dinner With Owner Of Racist Blog” is from Ben Sherman at Burnt Orange Report and is about how David Dewhurst had dinner with Robbie Cooper, the owner of the blog Urban Grounds, who Mr. Sherman says “writes deeply racist posts in which he calls black people “animals” and the N-word” and is reported to support, if not practice, political violence. (And then to read how Robbie Cooper tries the old “I’m not a racist” line in his blog is just totally funny, in a sick way that is. You can’t put down African Americans as a whole, then say you’re not racist and the news flash is there are blacks who hate being black, too, and do the same thing.)

But back to the point, that dinner happened just last week, Monday, October 7th 2013.

And if that’s not enough, Dewhurst was noted for running a racist campaign against now Texas Senator Ted Cruz (so it looks like we got the worst of two evils). In that case, David Dewhurst attacked Cruz for his ties to Latino organizations, leading Cruz, who’s launched racist ads regarding the immigration issue, to accuse Dewhurst of racism.

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