
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Day: November 14, 2012

Airbnb Users Contribute $56 million To San Francisco’s Economy

According to a study by HR&A Advisors, Airbnb, which bills itself as the “world’s leading marketplace for booking, discovering, and listing unique spaces around the world,” provides a major economic boost both to its users and the neighborhoods and cities where they visit and live. The study found that people who rent their homes on […]

Joan Walsh’ “What’s The Matter With White People” A Daring Work

When this blogger was first informed about Salon Editor-At-Large and MSNBC Contributor Joan Walsh’ book What’s The Matter With White People, the first thought was “What The F—?” Is Joan playing with the fire of white guilt or what? There are so many directions to go with that title that it made this one’s head […]

Kevin Clash, Elmo Voice, Cleared By Accuser; Now Parents Have Some ‘Xplainin To Do

Kevin Clash, the Executive Producer for voice of Sesame Street’s Elmo (as well as Baby Sinclair, Clifford, Splinter and Hoots the Owl), was first accused of underage sex with a man when that person was 16, was now cleared by that same person. Leading this blogger to wonder if Mr. Clash is going to file […]

Paula Broadwell’s Benghazi Details Were From Fox News’ Jennifer Griffin

Dr. Paula Broadwell gave a speech at the University of Denver (where she’s an alum) on October 26th. The 41-minute speech has drawn attention because Broadwell, in responding to a direct question about Benghazi from a person in the audience, shared details on what the CIA was said to have done in taking prisoners that […]

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