Occupy Oakland Rumor: Dan Siegel Resigns, Eases Recall Of Mayor

According to a number of twitter tweets, the rumor is that famed Oakland lawyer Dan Siegel has resigned in response to the police action of clearing the Occupy Oakland encampment this Monday morning. The action, if true, will arguably pave the way for the recall of Oakland Mayor Jean Quan, as reported here last night.

Siegel has been an ally of Mayor Quan, and even the person the Mayor went to for legal advice in the face of her own City Attorney, when John Russo was Oakland’s first elected lawyer. Interestingly Dan served as both the Mayor’s legal adviser and a private practice lawyer. He even allowed Quan and this blogger to use his office, where Oakland District One Councilmember Jane Brunner is a partner, for our interview when she ran for Mayor of Oakland.

Occupy Oakland Eviction

The Occupy Oakland eviction is almost finished and Frank Ogawa Plaza is now considered a crime scene. That means anyone who’s trying to get into it, including journalists, would be arrested. There have already been a number of arrests – about 40 – but many protestors have already left the encampment. Some for Snow Park near Lake Merritt.

That’s where the Occupy Oakland live stream by OakFoSho is at now:

Stay tuned.

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