George Zimmerman Verdict: Don West, Mark O’Mara Make Disguisting Trayvon Martin Comments

markomara In the George Zimmerman Verdict after the trial to determine his fate in the death of Trayvon Martin Martin, the “not guilty” decision by the jury produced an awful presentation of comments by Mr. Zimmerman’s defense team of Mark O’Mara and Don West.

Don West, who sadly will be remembered for his “ice cream” picture, and his bad knock-knock joke, pushed his idea that his joke was funny at the press conference.

Mark O’Mara made a set of comments that sounded like he was taunting civil rights activists and seemed to forget that Trayvon Martin was dead at the hands of his client.

The best move for both of them would have been to just not make statements at all. Now, they look like the devil on Earth.

Stay tuned.

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