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Zennie Abraham

Petraeus Sex Scandal: FBI Agent Sent Shirtless Picts To Friend Jill Kelley; Went To David Reichert

Wow. The David Petraeus / Paula Broadwell Sex Scandal is getting deeper. Here’s this blogger’s first video on the matter:

Paula Broadwell
This is how this David Petraeus / Paula Broadwell sex scandal has unfolded. This is from a number of sources, so the links will be left out.

In May, Jill Kelley, a so-called unpaid liason (I don’t believe the unpaid part) to the State Department complained to a friend of hers (she may have been sleeping with or friends with benefits) at the FBI that she was receiving harassing emails from someone she did not know.

The FBI Agent Friend takes Jill Kelley’s case to the local FBI cyber crimes unit. Now, at this point, it’s not clear that the FBI needs to be involved in this at all. This has got as far as it did because of Jill’s friendship with this FBI Agent – that she went to him shows that she trusts him.

But the FBI Agent Friend was taken off the case after it was revealed that he had a relationship with Ms. Kelley such that he had sent shirtless photos of himself to her. This he did before the email investigation, and did it in the context of their personal relationship. This is where the media gets the story wrong, and describes the timeline as if a different FBI Agent was the one sending the shirtless photos, when it was the same person who Jill Kelley went to in the first place because he was her friend.

Get it?

Ok, the FBI Agent friend is taken off the case, but he wants to escalate the issue as he feared it was going to be ignored – he went to Republican Representative of Washington, David Reichert.

Meanwhile other FBI Agents determined that the angry emails to Jill Kelley came from Paula Broadwell. That’s when they learned that Broadwell was carrying on an affair with David Petraeus, and that Paula was jealous of Jill Kelley with respect to her relationship with “P4.” (And to the point of claiming in one of the emails that she saw Kelley touch Petraeus provocatively under a table, and now I’m using words that were employed to describe what the email said.) Jill and her husband had a friendship with David and Holly Petraeus that was five years old.

Because of the nature of the affair, it became a national security issue. Both David and Paula were interviewed, and they reportedly set up private emails to each other using Gmail. FBI Agents looked at Paula’s computer after talking with her, and found classified documents – but Petraeus says he did not give them to Paula and she backed his claim.

Meanwhile, another FBI Agent went to the Office of Eric Cantor, the majority leader, and briefed he and his staff on his fears of a national security breach. Cantor, in turn, called FBI Director Robert Muller. Meanwhile, Attorney General Eric Holder was also informed of the affair and the security breach fears.

On Monday of last week, the Wall Street Journal reports that FBI Agents were at Paula’s home, but there was no confirmation of that. On Wednesday, after Election Day, “P4” went to President Obama and offered his resignation – Obama accepted it a day later.

Stay tuned.

Petraeus Sex Scandal: FBI Agent Sent Shirtless Picts To Friend Jill Kelley; Went To David Reichert

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