YouTube video link: Presents:If Oakland AASEG Ray Bobbitt Is For Black-Business, Why Run To White-Owned Media On A’s Lease Talks?
. A vlog by the YouTube channel named in the video’s upper left corner and serves as the original blog post for this content.If Oakland AASEG’s Ray Bobbitt Is For Black-Business, Why Run To White-Owned Media On A’s Lease Talks? Ok, this vlogger happened to watch Django Unchained last night, and for the first time in a long time. What does that Quintin Tarentino / Jamie Foxx movie have to do with the Oakland A’s Lease talks that are to happen this Thursday? Everything. See, Ray Bobbitt and his version of the African American Sports and Entertainment Group aka AASEG purports to be focused on helping black business in Oakland. But, like Steven in Django, played by Samuel L. Jackson, Bobbitt sends the message that no other black person can be seen as bigger than he. Wow. , This black majority-owner of media startup Zennie62Media has seen enough of not just once-friend Ray Bobbitt’s running to white-owned media to share his story, but now he uses it to put down other black people who were part of the African American Sports and Entertainment Group. In his way, Ray Bobbitt is exhibiting the new problem black folks face: other black people trying to put them down. The scab on this wound in society has to be pulled back and shown to the World. You can’t say you’re for black business if you don’t take your news story to a black media organization, and yes, I’m referring to Zennie62Media. I’m proud of what I built, but I’m not happy with how Ray has treated this startup CEO. But beyond that, he used the San Francisco Chronicle, a white-owned media organization, to try and diminish the worth of AASEG Co-Founders Brien Dixon and Karim Muhammed. In that way, Bobbitt’s actions were not unlike those of former Oakland NAACP members using white-owned KVTU to blast current NAACP members who were unhappy with current Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao. Both should bring their issues to black media – The Oakland Post and Zennie62Media, Inc. – and let us be the forum to bring us together. Like those former Oakland NAACP members, Ray Bobbitt also stumps for Mayor Thao in an effort to speak against calls for her recall as Mayor of Oakland. Ray is supposed to be working to develop the Oakland Coliseum Complex, not creating his own celebrity without having lifted a real finger. What I’m saying here is something I’ve talked with him about, but it’s sadly clear Ray Bobbitt will not listen and will not change. Take how he used the mention of Black Loop Capital to put down Brien Dixon and Malik Karim, saying that their lawsuit was “trivial.” Wow. In other words, Ray’s actions in working to separate himself from Brien Dixon and Karim Muhammed, all the way down to setting up a different organization called AASEG, and the anger that caused the filing of the lawsuit are trivial? What’s also upsetting is this vlogger spent some time trying to convince Mr. Bobbitt to call Brien Dixon and Karim Muhammed and mend fences. My pleas were met with questions of loyalty to him, as if he’s some king or something and this Oakland Vlogger’s one of his subjects. We’re in a Democracy, and that means everyone has a say. That’s America. Love it. But it’s just plain wrong to run around waving the “blacker than thou” card and think proud black folks are just going to sit and take it. I sure as hell am not. So Ray’s biggest problem isn’t the Oakland A’s, it’s the lawsuit filed against his actions by Brien Dixon and Karim Muhammed and of which this vlogger is not a part of. Brien Dixon and Malik Karim are really upset with Ray Bobbitt and his grandstanding, and can’t wait for court. Ray needs to have all hands on deck, because the A’s could turn around and ask for all of the Coliseum land to be under their control as part of a new lease, and request that . Even though that topic involves Coliseum Way Partners and not the Athletics Investment Group, both are owned by A’s Owner John Fisher and his partners, so the matter of AASEG’s control of 50 percent of the Coliseum property could very much be on the table. Stay tuned for more on this awful mess that’s reflective of how well black folks do not treat each other.
Note from Zennie62Media and : this video-blog post demonstrates the full and live operation of the latest updated version of an experimental Zennie62Media , Inc. mobile media video-blogging system network that was launched June 2018.
This is a major part of Zennie62Media , Inc.’s new and innovative approach to the production of news media. What we call “The Third Wave of Media”. The uploaded video is from a YouTube channel. When the video is “liked” by Zennie62 YouTube, then it is automatically uploaded to and formatted automatically at the site and Zennie62-created and owned social media pages.
The overall objective here, on top of our is smartphone-enabled, real-time, on the scene reporting of news, interviews, observations, and happenings anywhere in the World and within seconds and not hours – is the use of the existing YouTube social graph on any subject in the World.
Now, news is reported with a smartphone and also by promoting current content on YouTube: no heavy and expensive cameras or even a laptop are necessary, or having a camera crew to shoot what is already on YouTube. The secondary objective is faster, and very inexpensive media content news production and distribution.
We have found there is a disconnect between post length and time to product and revenue generated. With this, the problem is far less, though by no means solved. Zennie62Media is constantly working to improve the system network coding and seeks interested content and media technology partners.

Zennie Abraham | Zennie Abraham or “Zennie62” is the founder of Zennie62Media which consists of and a multimedia blog news aggregator and video network, and 78-blog network, with social media and content development services and consulting. Zennie is a pioneer video blogger, YouTube Partner, social media practitioner, game developer, and pundit. Note: news aggregator content does not reflect the personal views of Mr. Abraham.