
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Democratic debate: Clinton clings to Obama – CNN

Democratic debate: Clinton clings to Obama
… against President Obama,” Sanders said, responding to Clinton’s 2008 showdown against the then-Illinois senator. “I was not that candidate.” One of the biggest moments of the night came when Sanders warned Clinton: “You are not in the White House yet.
Former White House press secretary Jay Carney says President Obama supports Hillary ClintonamNY

Former White House Press Secretary Just Revealed Who Obama REALLY Wants To Become PresidentWestern Journalism
Former White House Press Secretary Says Obama Clearly Favors ClintonRTT News
PerezHilton.comDaily CallerTelegraph.co.uk
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From:: Obama White House News By Google News

Democratic debate: Clinton clings to Obama – CNN

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