
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture News by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Drake’s Bay Video Shows Oyster Farm Business Builled By Feds

DBO_logo_330Drakes Bay Oyster Company, as of this writing, is still open, and fighting a tough legal battle to close it, and all because the Federal Department Of The Interior under Ken Salazar refused to renew it’s long-standing permit to lease at Point Reyes National Seashore.

California’s only oyster cannery is ran by Drakes Bay Oyster Company, and it harvests an estimated one-third of all of the state’s oysters.

For some weird reason, Salazar has decided it’s important to uphold a 1976 law that reserved Point Reyes National Seashore to become a national wilderness, free of commercial activity, once the Drake’s Bay lease expired. All of this is because Ken Salazar decided he wanted Drake’s Bay gone. All of the claims of environmental damage have been incredibly over-blown.

To show just how much they have been, watch the video below called “The Framing of an Oyster Farm – Drake’s Bay Oyster Company” It shows that the so-called scientific data “proving” that Drakes Bay Oyster Company is false and the product of a smear campaign:

The Framing of an Oyster Farm – Drake’s Bay Oyster Company from A Visual Record on Vimeo.

Stay tuned.

Drake’s Bay Video Shows Oyster Farm Business Builled By Feds

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