The Zennie (A Libation)

OK. About just over a month ago we created a libation called “The Zennie” as part of an experiemental online promotion for The Zennie Band.

I write “experimental” because if the overall strategy didn’t work, I was going to analyze the heck out of it and try it again. But it worked. The band actually made about $500 that night (not subtracting the $50 Peter Van Kleef took for “door help”) and someone — actually many people — saw the Zennie idea and actually ordered it.

Then one person, Florence, sent me a nice e-mail stating that she like the libation and the band rocked.

Folks, I did all this from Atlanta; Cafe Van Kleef is in downtown Oakland, California. Cafe Van Kleef became an Internet-famous bar because of my strategy, which I will not yet reveal.

Anyway, it’s a damn good libation, which consists of equal parts of:

1. Orange Juice
2. Tequila
3. Coca Cola
4. Malibu Rum

Go to your favorite bar and ask for “The Zennie”

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