
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Serial-inspired social media campaign cracks Mike Pimentel murder case – ABC Online

Serial-inspired social media campaign cracks Mike Pimentel murder case
ABC Online
“Those items that were released through social media, we got a lot of feedback from people out there to not only help us identify what they were or where they come from or where they can be purchased,” he said at a press conference announcing the arrest.
Social media clues lead to arrest of man in 2012 Toronto killingCBC.ca

Social media helps cops make murder arrestSimcoe.com
Police crack 2012 Liberty Village murder case with help of social mediaToronto Star
The Globe and Mail
all 47 news articles

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From:: Social Media News By Google News

Serial-inspired social media campaign cracks Mike Pimentel murder case – ABC Online

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