
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Day: November 10, 2011

Billy Crystal To Rescue, New Host for 84th Academy Awards

Billy Crystal is Superman! The Oscars’ 84th Academy Awards were in turmoil, and had degenerated into a situation described by a word with that now-familar meme “gate” rehersalgate. Eddie Murphy stepped down as the original host of the 2012 Oscars, and after producer Brett Ratner resigned the day after making an anti-Gay slur that many […]

Lindsay Lohan in Playboy

About a month ago Lindsay Lohan was in the news for her disgustingly brown teeth (which she recently got whitened) and the bruises on her hands. Now, she will be appearing in Playboy just in time for Christmas. It seems like this is the only way she could make money, posing nude in a magazine. […]

SFGate.com City Brights ‘No-Edit’ Policy Is A Sham

This blogger felt it necessary to add a post regarding the issue of being blocked from posting at SFGate.com and, according to the emails and exchanges received, due to the Rick Perry blog posts, and the new SFGate.com Executive Director Alana Nguyen’s fear that the take presented, and the way it was presented might “get […]

Rick Perry Seems Forgetful

Here’s the video: Everyone is talking about Rick Perry messing up last night at the debate and looking like he was trying to get Ron Paul to help him think of the third federal department that he wanted to eliminate. The time when people need to be most prepared is during these debates, and it […]

Tom Bradley Replaces Joe Paterno At Penn State – Sort Of

This blogger watched the Tom Bradley Penn State Press Conference today with very much interest. After all, Coach Bradley, Penn State Football’s defense coach (he’s not listed as “defensive coordinator”) was selected to replace the fired legendary coach Joe Paterno. Here’s some of the press conference: In the full talk, Bradley spent a lot of […]

Wilson Ramos Kidnapped In Venezuela: MLB Nationals Star

In a turn of events that, if it wasn’t real, would look like the screenplay for a movie, four armed men jumped out of a vehicle in Santa Ines, Venezuela, and grabbed Wilson Ramos – then abandoned the vehicle. But why? Wilson Ramos is a catcher with the Washington Nationals. The 24 year old played […]

Oakland News: Mayor Jean Quan’s Husband Wants Oakland City Council Replaced

UPDATE: Oakland Mayor Quan Recall Details Leaked To Zennie62 Apparently giving a response to efforts to recall embattled Oakland Mayor Jean Quan after her bungling of the Occupy Oakland effort, her husband Floyd Quan wrote an email that has many Oakland insiders up in arms. The basic read of has Mr. Quan calling for the […]


UPDATE: Joe Paterno Dies – A Tribute This is a shocking development. Joe Paterno. JoePa. The Penn State Football heac coach, who, since 1966, has won more college football games than anyone else, was fired Wednesday. The decision came from the Penn State Board of Trustees to release Paterno, and University President Graham Spanier from […]

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