Oakland Mayoral Election Ranked Choice Voting Update: Seneca Scott Finds More Problems

Oakland Mayoral Candidate Seneca Scott has reported yet another problem with the Ranked Choice Voting tabulations. This is on top of what was reported by Alameda County Registrar Tim Dupuis working with Sean Dugar and the Fair Vote representatives.

Here’s what was sent to Zennie62Media last night:

January 9, 2023

Tim Dupuis, Alameda County Registrar of Voters

1225 Fallon St., Rm. G-1 Oakland, CA 94512

CC: Alameda County Board of Supervisors

Re: Regarding another ranked-choice voting tabulation error.

Dear Mr. Dupuis:

Upon further investigation into the election code and City of Oakland Charter, I discovered another mistake was made in tabulating the results of November’s City of Oakland elections.

Oakland City Charter Section 1105 (f) (Article 11: Elections, Section 5: Ranked Choice Voting) states:

Elimination of more than one candidate. During the elimination stage of any round, in the event that any candidate has more votes than the combined vote total of all candidates with fewer votes, all the candidates with fewer votes shall be eliminated simultaneously, and those ballots advanced to the next ranked continuing candidate.

In the fifth round of elimination, all candidates save Taylor and Thao should have been eliminated, as the total number of combined votes for all other candidates totals 40,893, compared to second-placed Thao with 41,079 votes. (Based on certified results, not the retabulated post-certification vote.) Tabulating results the correct way may again change the final count of the previously certified election.

To remedy this, I request that you re-tabulate the votes as soon as possible and prior to any manual recount of the election. As you retabulated results per Oakland City Charter section 1105(g), regarding skipped rankings, I request you retabulate the results per section 1105(f), regarding elimination of multiple candidates at once.

I request that your office act promptly and in good faith to restore trust in the process. Many thanks for your cooperation.


Seneca Scott

Oakland Mayoral Candidate

(510) 221-6168

The Alameda County Board of Supervisors is to meet today (Tuesday, January 9th) to take up and vote on Alameda County Supervisor Keith Carson’s vote recount proposal.

Stay tuned for updates to this post.

Also, for more on this subject see: “Oakland Alameda Registrar Ranked Choice Voting Problem Timeline Of Events” > https://oaklandnewsnowblog.com/oakland-alameda-registrar-ranked-choice-voting-problem-timeline-of-events/

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