
News, Sports, Tech, Politics, Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham & Zennie62Media, Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Modest Chinese dinosaur was forerunner to later horned behemoths – Reuters

Modest Chinese dinosaur was forerunner to later horned behemoths
WASHINGTON With their elaborate horns, bony neck frills and bulldozer-like bodies, members of the horned dinosaur group like Triceratops were among Earth’s most impressive beasts during the Cretaceous Period near the end of the age of dinosaurs.
Triceratops gets a cousin: Researchers identify another horned dinosaur speciesEurekAlert (press release)

Paleontologists discover new hornless ‘horned dinosaur’ speciesUPI.com
Spaniel-Size Triceratops Cousin Walked on Its Two Hind LegsLive Science
PLoS Blogs (blog)
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Modest Chinese dinosaur was forerunner to later horned behemoths – Reuters

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