John Mayer Donates To Staten Island Disaster Recovery

Well, the real story is what organization singer and songwriter John Mayer donated money to, for Staten Island Disaster Recovery: the Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund.

The representatives of the Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund just sent this press release and video:

The Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund (CVB Memorial Fund) has been coordinating disaster relief efforts across Staten Island since the hurricane hit last week. Its first initiative focused on the collection and redistribution of clothing and supplies island-wide, including its offices located at 18 Hervey Street and Rab’s Country Lanes on Hylan Boulevard. In addition to its facilitating various distribution networks, the organization has been identified as the point person for donations coming in from various sources with the most recent being a shipment of clothing from singer, John Mayer.

“With our homes and office in areas of Brooklyn affected by the storm, we know what New Yorkers has endured over the past week,” said John Mayer’s Management Team. “We got word of the Bini Foundation’s efforts on Staten Island and reached out – they made it incredibly easy to help, and we hope these resources provide some relief to those most affected by Sandy.”

That is just one example of the overwhelming support the CVB Memorial Fund has received. The foundation facilitated the delivery of over 18,000 meals donated from the cancelled marathon to those in need, firefighters from Connecticut drove to its offices bearing supplies, over 300 volunteers have manned its donation facilities, and other charitable organizations and evacuation centers have relied on them to distribute supplies directly to those in need.

”Often called the ‘forgotten borough’ our community has banded together in such strength and numbers demonstrating that we will not be forgotten,” said Massimo DiDonna, Co-Founder of the Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund. “Our organization was founded to carry on the heroism of my father-in-law, a firefighter who passed away on 9/11, and be a local hero to those in need in our community, now more than ever Staten Island needs a hero.”

After the cancellation of the New York City Marathon, Ryan and Pamela Murphy orchestrated a fundraiser among Staten Islanders who in lieu of running were able to raise over $15,000 which was in turn donated to the CVB Memorial Fund.

“At the onset of the disaster, we relied heavily on our Facebook Page as well as our people on the ground at various locations to let us know exactly where we were needed,” said Frank Provenzano, CVB Memorial Fund Board Member. “The fact that we are a Staten Island based non-profit focused exclusively on rebuilding and aiding our own community has allowed us to act as a conduit through which people, such as those who ran to raise money for the island, can rest assured that their efforts will directly benefit our borough.”

The Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund is also rolling out a series of events, both locally and nationally, over the next two years to continue to fuel the rebuilding of Staten Island. Already, the organization has executed an event in San Diego, partnered with a company in Idaho, and is working on an event in Las Vegas. Its first local fundraiser will be on Sunday, November 11th at The Old Bermuda Inn to continue raising money for its cause.

“We are by no means out of the woods,” said Board Member Kevin Jamison. “It’s a natural tendency for people to forget how bad a situation is after the sense of urgency has passed, however, we as an organization know what it’s going to take to put our borough back together and have already committed to a two year fundraising initiative which will go directly toward the rebuild.”

As of late, the CVB Memorial Fund has purchased over $2,000 worth of tools and supplies and armed more than 400 volunteers who have assisted in cleaning specific areas of the island. The non-profit has ramped up its fundraising efforts to ensure that it has the financial ability to continue to provide for the needs of its community.

“Staten Island has come together as we always do to help one another,” said Councilman Vinny Ignizio, District 51. “While our government agencies are working hard on relief efforts, it is organizations like the Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund which are stepping up to the plate to fill in the gaps.”

About The Organization:

The Carl V. Bini Memorial Fund was founded in honor of Firefighter Carl V. Bini, a member of FDNY Rescue 5, who was tragically taken on 9/11. Our mission is to provide aid for those in need within our community and beyond and to memorialize the heroism of our fallen hero for those who so desperately need aid now and in the future.

For More Information Or To Donate Please Visit:

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