Was Obama Note-Taking Romney’s Lies As Strategy?

Many have speculated why President Obama didn’t strike back against Governor Romney’s lies at the first Presidential Debate Wednesday. A reason just came to me as I was watching a portion of the debate a moment ago: Obama was taking notes of what Romney was saying as a “store” for the next two debates.

In other words, President Obama didn’t know what lie Romney was going to tell for the first debate, so rather than hit him back with an immediate reply that could be used against him in commercials after the debate, and as prep for the next debate, Obama just sat back and let Mitt talk.


Not only did Romney make several mistakes in the process, he came away not knowing exactly what Obama will say the next time they get together. Since Obama didn’t fire a question at Mitt based on his notes, I have to believe this was the strategy going in.

Now, he has enough material to strike back, and a better economy too.

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