Bill O’Reilly and Fox News must think the American public is stupid. Just moments ago,O’Reilly had on a man named Tim Graham with the “Media Research Center”to talk about how he thinks the morning news programs are biased against Republican candidates,particularly Mitt Romney,because they cater to women,as if that’s a bad thing.
Seriously,he said that.
So as this Tim Graham guy is chattering on,and on,and makes statements indicating a true and almost fanatical bias for the GOP,Bill O’Reilly says nothing about his political leanings,so this blogger decided to search for his name and “Media Research Center.”
And as I suspected,Tim Graham is not only a Republican,he’s got ties to some notable died-in-the-wool GOP operatives. Take this excerpt from his bio on the Media Research Center,where he’s “Director Of Media Analysis:”
In 2001 and 2002,Graham served as White House Correspondent for World,a national weekly Christian news magazine. He wrote cover stories on taxes,abortion,cloning,and other issues,asked questions at briefings with Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer,and interviewed members of Congress and administration officials like then-Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill….Before joining the Media Research Center,Graham served in Washington and St. Louis as press secretary for the campaign of U.S. Rep. Jack Buechner (R-MO) in 1988
Wow,so we can’t take Tim Graham’s so-called study about liberal bias in morning news programs seriously,but we can take his statements’about morning news having a female audience being something that’s anti-GOP very seriously. It’s part of the overall GOP War on Women to fail to try and deliver a message that will resonate with women,then complain about shows women watch.
Tim Graham and Bill O’Reilly should be ashamed for trying to cover up Graham’s GOP ties.
Stay tuned.

Zennie Abraham|Zennie Abraham or “Zennie62”is the founder of Zennie62Media which consists of and a multimedia blog news aggregator and video network,and 78-blog network,with social media and content development services and consulting. Zennie is a pioneer video blogger,YouTube Partner,social media practitioner,game developer,and pundit. Note:news aggregator content does not reflect the personal views of Mr. Abraham.