Are these Apple iPhone 5 photos over at

A number of American tech bloggers have pointed to the French blog, as having true photos of the Apple iPhone 5. But it’s obvious some bloggers over here in the USA failed to read the translated version of what was written at by Steve Hemmerstoffer. It’s is presented in a careful away, as the iPhone presented to as the real iPhone 5 did was provided by an unnamed source they met on an airplane.

But, the iPhone, if it is the Apple iPhone 5, is longer than the iPhone 4.

Well, here’s the translated blog post:

Well, we had a good laugh with the video of the iPhone 5 Israeli but it is time for us to get back to more serious things, in the vein of those we reported in the last two weeks . So imagine you are a young American man claims to be in possession of an authentic prototype iPhone New …

The shadow of a fake plane as always on top of pictures and video after but these are downright compelling, convincing himself. Chris explains that we have received the prototype of iPhone 5 from an anonymous source will turn even the mysterious device identified as the famous reference XXXXX. Problem, our friend is not in possession of the new sync cable and is therefore not able to take the step of recording the device … EPIC FAIL! …

More details forced me to take a step back from this so-called iPhone 5 prototype starting with the screen whose color suggests it is a slab of poor quality which does not correspond to the level of requirement auxquel Apple has accustomed us. Then, whether in pictures or video, the new connector is clearly visible at any time, as if Chris knew that this detail might betray … In addition, the two painted stripes that were placed on the top and bottom of all the supposed iPhone 5 shells which we got our hands are missing from the back of this mysterious model. Finally, regarding the screen lights up briefly at the end of the video even if the illusion is perfect, the message could easily have been numerically simulated final assembly.

So yes, all these details can be explained by the fact that we are supposed to be facing a prototype and despite my doubts, I really want to believe that this mysterious device is indeed a real prototype of the New iPhone …

So Steve Hemmerstoffer is not sure

Stay tuned.

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