Google Trends: John Edwards Trial, Martin Short, Kathy Lee Gifford, and DOMA

The Google Trends of note for Thursday, May 31, 2012 were John Edwards Trial, Martin Short, Kathy Lee Gifford, and DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act). In the case of John Edwards Trial, the keywords referred to the announced verdict that the former Senator and Presidential Candidate was found not guilty on one of six counts against him, and the other five were declared a mistrial.

That means Edwards walks free and dodges a huge bullet, if you will, that would have seen him serve as much as 30 years in jail and pay $1.5 million in fines, and all for actions stemming from John’s affair with Riehl Hunter starting in 2006 (and for which a larger blog post is coming), and claims that Edwards used campaign donations to cover-up and keep his mistress out of the public eye, as she was having his baby we now know is named Quinn.

After the verdict, Edwards gave a statement that pointed the finger of blame at himself, and mentioned his love for his baby son Quinn, but failed to say anything at all about Elizabeth Edwards. That’s what tore it for me.

Martin Short, Kathy Lee Gifford, And The Error

Martin Short appeared on Good Morning America with Kathy Lee Gifford, and in the middle of a good interview asked about his wife. Gifford did not know that Short lost his wife in 2010, and the Internet exploded with the news and reactions. But I give Kathy Lee Gifford a break here; her staff could have prepped her much better on him (like give her a bio for Martin Short!) and we’re all so busy that we can’t know everything about every celeb. But in fairness to Mr. Short, this blogger wrote about his wife’s passing (it was a Google Trend) and sent sympathies. Still, I give Kathy Lee a pass.


Something that did not pass was DOMA, and such that a Federal Appeals court said the Defense Of Marriage Act was not constitutional. Good. That means, for now, the idea that anyone can marry who they want to man or woman is true and up to the personal, private life of that person. That’s the way it should be.

Stay tuned.

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