Mark Davis No Oakland Raiders Move To LA, But – Video

Mark Davis No Oakland Raiders Move To LA, But – Video
Mark Davis No Oakland Raiders Move To LA, But.

Mark Davis doesn’t plan to move The Oakland Raiders to LA. But he is pissed off with what he calls being “ping ponged” between City of Oakland and County of Alameda. That refers to the fact that both entities are not working as one to build Coliseum City.

So when the Coliseum City Developers say they want to use properties that are currently owned by the County of Alameda, the County never gets the word and so that land is sold to someone else rather than banked.

On the matter of the stadium itself Davis said that he likes the San Francisco 49ers new stadium, saying that it’s pretty. But he says he would not subject the Raiders fan base to that design because he doesn’t see it as fan friendly.

This all from a source I can’t name.

Stay tuned.

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