
News,Sports,Tech,Politics,Pop-Culture by Zennie Abraham &Zennie62Media,Inc team

Zennie Abraham

Why Japan’s Shinzo Abe went to Yasukuni shrine –BBC News

BBC News
Whatever Shinzo Abe says,any visit to the Yasakuni shrine by a Japanese prime minister is deeply political and sure to cause offence. In the 1960s and 70s,the spirits of scores of convicted Japanese war criminals were “enshrined”there. The most
Japan’s PM sparks tension in Asia with visit to WWII shrineTelegraph.co.uk
Japan PM’s visit to Yasukuni war shrine infuriates ChinaAFP
Abe Condemned for Yasukuni VisitVoice of America
NBCNews.comNew York TimesWashington Post
all 474 news articles

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Source:World News By Google

Why Japan’s Shinzo Abe went to Yasukuni shrine –BBC News

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