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Pro Football Weekly, $8.5 Million In Debt, Ends Business

NFL Pro Football Weekly.

After 46 years, Pro Football Weekly has published its last issue.

The publication I read religiously when I was a teenager, and because it had the only reliable and detailed account of the 1975 Dallas Cowboys Offense, and their employment of pre-shfting, is no longer. According to its Publisher and editor, the legendary Hub Arkush…

“Over the last five years our majority owner and each of the minority partners invested a tremendous amount of money, time and effort to try to build a bridge for PFW from the rapidly deteriorating world of old media to the new, exploding market of digital media and glitzy, new products. We built some truly great stuff that you all seemed to love, but try as we might, we couldn’t get enough of you to pay what it cost us to deliver it. There comes a time when there is just no more money to lose, and now we are forced to close the doors.”

But to the tune of $8.5 Million in debt?

Just how does a media company rack of $8.5 Million in debt in the 21st Century? Not only that, Pro Football Weekly has just $100,000 in revenue, or “accounts receivables.”

It would seem the answer may be in the fact that PFW was attempting to print up until September of 2012, when it announced the digital revolution was causing it to stop that, and go all digital – late in the game.

Like $8.5 Million in debt too late in the game.

I’m going to miss knowing that Pro Football Weekly was out there, although it now seems the racist antics of its analyst Nolan Nawrocki may have been an attempt to give the dying media brand some life.

What an awful way to go about it. Pro Football Weekly would have been better off copying Deadspin, than the racism they allowed to creep into its content.

Stay tuned.

Pro Football Weekly, $8.5 Million In Debt, Ends Business

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